chapter 42

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Boo and mike become friends ever since the park and sully never felt so happy and as weeks later boo told Celia about it and Celia said'' I'm glad you and Mike are friends now' and boo said'' ya me too Celia he tends to be a jerk sometimes but sometimes funny'' and Celia said'' ya as his girlfriend I gonna make sure he always on top of things'' and boo said'' of course'' and celia said'' so how you and sully relationship'' and boo said'' he just caring,fun,needs to work to stood up more to his best friend'' and Celia said'' hey we can be best friends'' and boo said'' um we are Celia'' and Celia said'' oh right'' and so then boo said'' do think sully likes me'' and Celia said'' I think so'' and boo said'' oh that good'' and boys show up said'' hey girls'' and boo said''hey sully and Mike'' and sully said'' so what you girls been up too' ' and Celia said'' oh nothing really just girl talk'' and Mike said'' are you talking about us'' and boo said'' maybe'' and Mike said'' wow'' and boo said'' there nothing to worry about Mike'' and Mike said'' what do you mean'' and boo said'' oh you know'' and so then sully said'' what boo was saying about the future'' and Mike said'' THE  FURURE'' and boo said'' yeah'' and sully said'' mhm '' and boo said'' I'm glad I have friends like you guys'' and so then sully said'' of course boo we all care one another'' and boo smile said'' help friendship'' and sully smile but do like her as a new best friend and we all get to work and boo do her thing and sully join her and we become close then Celia was happy for them and said'' aww sully and boo are so close'' and Mike signed said'' maybe I should get used to it ha smooch's poo'' and Celia said'' oh ya google bear they look like a cute couple maybe someday'' and Mike said'' you think so'' and Celia said'' oh ya'' and sully and boo hang ing out a lot and will be a couple someday

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now