chapter 17

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and boo saw her again and said'' oh hey bethany'' and bethany said'' oh hey'' and boo notice she is having trouble said'' we can take over from here'' and uncle said'' ok'' and boo said'' come on lets do the trim mile bethany'' and bethany said'' ok'' and so then boo notice she is gang weight said'' bethany is something wrong'' and bethany said'' i dont wanna talk about it'' and boo said''its lauren ha'' and bethany said'' HOW DID YOU'' and boo said'' bethany im your friend you always tell me anything'' and bethany said'' ok fine its lauren she always been trying to ruined my life'' and boo said'' bethany listen to me just ignore her everything she says and she needs to mind her own business'' and bethany said'' ya true'' and boo said'' trust me it works on me and let me help you in self defense again'' and bethany said'' ok'' and boo notice bethany took pills and courpse and said'' BETHNAY...WAKE UP THIS IS NOT FUNNY'' and bethany woke up said'' ha'' and boo said'' oh thank god you are alight what else is going on'' and bethany said'' ill tell you just dont freak out'' and boo said'' ok'' and bethany show her and said'' here'' boo was surprise said'' oh bethany these are like drugs'' and bethany said'' boo just'' and boo said'' so it is true then bethany'' and bethany sighed said'' yes'' and boo said'' ok then its all about lauren is it'' and bethany said'' yes'' and boo said'' very well then[throw them away] you dont need them'' and bethany said'' ok'' and so then we did another training sessing and lauren show up and said'' AND THE REST YOU ALWAYS WEIGH MORE THAT ON ITS OWN'' and boo growled and bethany said' 'what are you doing here'' and lauren said''i thought we can be gym buddies since you got no mates'' and bethany said'' actually lauren i have one' and boo watches lauren every move and bethany was trying to sit ups on the ball and lauren was standing there doing nothing said'' COME ON LADDIE I GOTTA STAY IF YOU WOBBLE IN LIKE A JELLY[laugh]HOW DID YOU GET THAT FAT...STUFFING YOUR FACE FOR THE CHIPS AGAIN'' and bethany have enough said''LEAVE ME ALONE'' and boo knows how bethany feel and said'' grrr[almost broke the bar into pieces]'' and so then lauren said'' I'M HELPING, KEEPING GETTING FATTER AND FATTER THEY'RE GONNA EXPLODE AND THEN WE'LL ALL BE COVERED IN...PLATFAT[laughed]PLATFAT'' and lauren kick the ball and bethany have enough and punch her shoulder and lauren said'' AHHH[feel hurt]''and boo was impressed and walk over said'' NICE PUNCH'' and bethany said'' thanks'' and lauren said'' YOU GONNA REGET THAT[to get her]'' and boo went in front of bethany and about to punch her and boo block grab attack and lauren notice and said'' WHAT THE HELL YOU BLOCKED ME...HOW DID YOU'' and boo said'' ITS A SIMPLE THING REALLY CALLING HER PLAT FAT THINK ITS FUNNY TO YOU WHAT A TOTAL IDIOT YOU ARE LAUREN BUT TO ME[begin crush her bones] ITS NOT'' and lauren said'' AHHHH'' and so then boo went in serious look and let go a bit but still holding said'' ARE YOU DONE LAUREN OF YOUR PATHETIC THREATS AROUND US AND CAUSING A SCENE HERE SO i SUGGEST YOU TO GET OUT[push kick her] and lauren fly to a wall hard and said'' AHHHH[landed hard]UMPH'' and bethany was shocked and boo still angry and lauren said'' YOU HIT ME'' and boo said'' I DONT CARE LAUREN GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK HERE'' and lauren said''' SHE HIT ME YOU SAW NOTHING'' and boo said'' I DONT CARE GET OUT BITCH'' and lauren said''FINE FREAK[got up and left the room]'' and boo made a mad stare at her and saw her left and turn around at bethany in calm said'' im so sorry about that'' and bethany said'' its cool lets continue training'' and boo said'' ok'' and so then we did and lauren is banned at the gym as well

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now