chapter 40

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mike comes late because he forgot his paperwork and so then sully and boo do their normal thing and boo said'' this is it i need to get my resume to be his CEO assistant.'' and so then sully was already there and boo walk out the building and lock her apartment and went off to monsters inc and saw a huge building and so then enter and was shocked and sully saw her said'' oh boo you came and you brought your resume'' and boo said'' ya i did and besides we have a lot of keeping up to do'' and sully said'' ya that true'' and mike saw her said'' YOU'' and boo notice it too and said'' hello wazowski i already know what you do'' and mike said'' what'' and boo said'' you are the senior co- president of monsters incorporated and chief executive vice deputy administrative director of comedy resources management or ska pump us for date crime for short'' and mike said'' WHAT DID YOU KNOW'' and sully said'' i told her everything Mike and she moved in from yesterday'' and boo said'' yep'' and mike said'' WAIT HOW DID YOU HE IS BOY'' and boo said'' you really wanna know'' and sully said'' show it'' and boo put her hood down and mike was shocked said'' WHAT THE............SHE A GIRL THIS WHOLE TIME I THOUGHT IT WAS A BOY THIS IS FOR REAL'' and boo said'' yep now you know[about to her back on]'' and celia was shocked said'' YES ANOTHER GIRL[walk over] oh hello there im celia mae im the floor survivor'' and boo said'' you got promoted nice celia its nice to meet you too im boo rose dark'' and celia said'' nice to meet you too im glad not the only girl in this group'' and boo said'' ya me too'' and mike said'' sully why he i mean she doing here'' and sully said'' well she needs a job so i promote her as a my CEO assistant'' and mike said'' WHAT I THOGHT WE ARE IN CHARGE'' and sully said'' mike give her a chance and maybe we can get to know her after all she did save us from the human world'' and mike paused said'' i guess you do have a point but i dont trust him i mean her'' and sully said'' i know you two are enemies like we used to remember'' and mike said'' yes i remember'' and sully said'' hmm i wonder what happen to johnny worthington'' and mike said'' HA, SULLY DONT MENTION THAT NAME'' and sully said'' WHAT IM JUST CURIOUS'' and mike said'' SULLY YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED'' and sully said'' ya i know its the past but lets work on the future'' and mike said'' true'' and sully said'' maybe give her a tour'' and celia said'' come on googlybear its nice to make a new friend'' and boo smile and sully said'' ya come on mike'' and mike said'' UGH FINE'' and so then we did and boo almost feel left out and sully said'' BOO COME JOIN US'' and boo was surprised and said'' really'' and sully said'' ya really come join us'' and celia said'' COME ON''and boo smile and join in and mike doesn't like it and so for a while at lunch we hang out at work sully,celia want to be friends with her and mike not so much he doesn't trust her and boo feel like welcomed and but after work they take her everywhere and mike just ignore everything and boo said'' woah you guys this is amazing its almost the same in the human world'' and sully said'' well sort of'' and mike said'' UGH WHATEVER'' and boo said'' are you jealous wazowski'' and mike said'' WHAT ME NO'' and celia said'' googlybear i think you are that me and sully were hanging out with her and get to know her better''and sully said'' ya sorry buddy'' and mike said'' UGH WHATEVER ITS FINE'' and so then we got back to work at monsters inc and boo have the best day ever

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now