chapter 28

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boo continue studying in her own and sully throw rocks and boo sighed and notice and open the door and sully said'' BOO ITS TIME'' and boo said'' alright lets go[jump down]'' and sully said'' awesome its going to be fun'' and so then we did and we enter the fear tech campus and sully said'' so boo what the plan'' and boo said'' you distract them ill get archie'' and sully said'' or...nvm ill do it'' and so then we did and archie said'' what is going on'' and boo said'' its ok archie dont be scared we just want you join us rather then being fear tech trapped in the cage''and archie said'' i guess it would be ok'' and so then archie come closer and boo pick him up and said'' LETS GO SULLIVAN I GOT ARCHIE'' '' and so then sully said'' awesome lets go'' and so then we did and officers saw us said'' GET THEM'' and so then boo&sully ran off of fear tech campus and we saw FT officers after us and so then boo said'' sullivan why we need archie anyway'' and sully said'' we going to take it to the roars'' and boo said'' THE WHAT'' and sully said'' ROAR OMEGA ROAR THE TOP UNITY ON CAMPUS'' and boo said'' oh ok fine but first a place to hide from them'' and sully notice a dorm with light said''OH UP THERE'' and boo said'' up there ugh fine'' and so then we did and mike was study until notice something said'' WHAT'' and boo got up said'' HELLO WAZOWSKI'' and wazowski said'' GREAT ITS YOU'' and so then sully got archie up as himself and mike said'' what is that behind you'' and boo step a side said'' you will see'' and so then archie enter the room and mike scream and archie panicing scared and sully came up finally said'' ARCHIE'' and boo notice both boys are screaming and saw sully fell down and archie jump on top of sully and went underneath the bed and mike said'' HEY WHAT ARE YOU'' and sully said''SHHH'' and mike said'' WAIT YOU SHUSHING ME HEY HEY YOU CAN'T[sully shut him up]MMMM'' and so then boo said'' woah that will shut him up'' and sully smile said'' ya[quietly]'' and we hear them and that they think we are in trouble and they ran away and sully laughed said'' FEAR TECH DUMMIES'' and boo said'' um sullivan'' and sully notice said''OH[let it go]SORRY ABOUT THAT BUDDY'' and sully stood up mike said'' WHY YOU TWO ARE IN MY ROOM'' and sully said''YOUR ROOM THIS IS MY[notice]THIS IS NOT MY ROOM'' and so then sully said'' ARCHIE COME HERE BOY'' and boo watches and mike was confused said'' ARCHIE'' and sully said''ARCHIE THE SCARE BIG HE FEAR TECH MASCOT'' mike said'' WHY IS IT HERE'' and sully chuckles said'' I STOLE IT'' and boo said'' AH HAM'' and sully said'' oh sorry we stole it..going to take it RORs'' and mike said'' THE WHAT'' and boo sighed and sully said'' ROAR OMEGA ROAR  THE FRATERNITY ON CAMPASS THEY ONLY ACCEPT THE HIGHLY ELITE''and boo said'' SULLIVAN YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT PART'' and sully said'' sorry about that roomie'' and boo said'' ugh whatever'' and so then sully looks at mike said'' OKAY ILL LIFT THE BED AND YOU GRAB THE PIG[made him do it'' and boo notice the boys are just dumb and so then mike finally got archie out and sully tried to get him but got falled instead and finally introduce himself to mike and mike finally said'' WELL IT WAS QUITE TO MEET YOU WHATEVER THAT ID IF YOU DONT MIND HAVE TO STUDY MY SCARING'' and sully disagree said'' OH STUDY SCARING YOU JUST DO IT'' and boo said'' sullivan does have a point'' and mike said'' OK THANKS LITTLE WHOEVER YOU ARE AND I THINK ITS MORE TO IT THEN THAT BUT HEY THANKS FOR DROPPING BYE'' and boo notice archie grab his hat said''um boys''and so then mike tried to grab it but to late said'' MY HAT'' and sully said'' MY PIG'' and boo sighed and turn into  bat and chase it and think smarter and faster to get archie and mike said'' CATCH IT...COME BACK HERE'' and boo said'' COME ON THINK'' and so then sully tried to help said'' RIDING A FAIR ROAD'' and we got to the party area and boo turn back as got closer said'' COME ON I ALMOST HAD IT'' and sully pounced and got boo instead and said'' UGH SULLIVAN I ALMOST HAVE IT'' and sully said'' OH SORRY ROOMIE HERE LET ME HELP YOU UP'' and sully help her up and mike got him in the trashcan and grab it out as getting his hat back said'' WOHOO'' and sully pick both them up said'' FEAR TECH MASCOT IM GOING TO RULE'' and archie become our mascot and boo have a feeling something is going to come up when she met him            

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