chapter 7

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boo&bethany walk away and lauren said'' oh we are just coming to see you'' and boo said'' lets go bethany'' and bethany said'' ok'' and so then lauren catch up and gather around both of us said'' YOU FEEL EMPTY SOCIAL, WHAT ARE YOU READING AND YOU HAVE A FRIEND HOW NICE'' and boo said''excuse me'' and so then shelly grab her book at looks at it and show it and said''LOSER'' and boo said''HEY GIVE IT BACK[tried to reach it]'' and lauren grab it and said'' REVISING HUMAN REPRODUCTION DONT BOTHER AIN'T NEVER GONNA HAPPEN TO YOU'' and lauren shove a book back at her and bethany stood up said'' LIKE ITS GONNA HAPPEN TO YOU'' and lauren was shocked and said'' SAY THAT AGAIN GO ON....GO ON'' and  shadow notice said'' WHAT IS GOING ON I BETTER RECORD THIS[put out his phone and record it]'' and bethany said'' CAN I JUST GET PASS PLEASE'' and boo said'' lets go bethany'' and bethany said'' ya'' and so then lauren tease said'' CAN I JUST PASS PLEASE'' and bethany walk ahead and lauren was about to attack and boo notice said'' BETHANY LOOK OUT[push her out of the way and notice quick grab her arm] IS THIS REALLY YOU BEST YOU GOT LAUREN'' and lauren was shocked said'' WHAT THE...HOW DID YOU KNOW MY NAME'' and boo said''BETHANY TOLD ME WHAT YOU BEEN UP TOO SO DON'T PLAY ANYTHING DUMB ON ME LAUREN AND KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF YOU DONT KNOW WHO GONNA MESS WITH[throw her arm away]'' boo walk away and lauren said'' AH[shocked] YOU FREAK'' and boo stopped and said'' WHAT DID YOU SAY[turn around]'' and lauren walk over to you and play with her hair and said'' YOU THINK YOU ARE SO IT CUZ YOU LIVED IN ITALY AND YOU'VE GOT LONG BLACK HAIR AND RED ENDS]'' and boo cross her arms and notice lauren's play with her hair and find out she is annoying said'' oh please'' and lauren said'' HE JUST COME TO TO THIS SCHOOL WHEN EVERYONE'S GONNA LOVE GUESS WHAT EVERYONE THINK YOU ARE A SKANK[notice her friends laughing surrounding her as walk toward the front]YOU'RE ALMOST 30 MIN WHEN SHE HAD YOU I MEAN YOU BASICALLY MISTAKES MADE A PARTY CUZ SHE IS A SLAPPER'' and boo said''oh brother'' and so then lauren as continue playing her hair]EXCEPT YOU WORSE CUZ NO ONE WOULD EVEN DO YOU'' and boo knows its going to happen and lauren attack again and boo quickly grab it and said'' FIRST OF ALL LAUREN YOU HAVEN'T EVEN WON YET AND DID I WARNED YOU AGAIN DONT PLAY DUMB WITH ME AND DONT YOU DARE PUT MY MOTHER INTO THIS OF YOUR PATHETIC SCEAM '' and lauren shocked and angry and said'' ONLY YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME AND THAT COW COULD NOT NEVER'' and boo said'' OH THIS HOW YOU WANNA PLAY HA WHY YOU TAKE A SEAT[throw her in force] TRY ME'' and lauren throw and said'' AHHHH[hit by a table hard] UMPH'' and boo patted her hands and look at other girls serious and said'' ANYONE ELSE'' and other girls were shocked and shelly said'' UM WE WERE JUST KIDDING'' and boo went in anger serious look and said'' OH REALLY SHELLY YOU THINK CALLING BETHANY A LOSER IS FUNNY TO YOU AND REST OF YOU AS WELL HA'' and shelly said''um you are serious'' and boo said'' IM DEADLY SERIOUS DO YOU WANT THE SAME THING WHAT I DID TO THIS IDIOT[point at lauren] HA I DONT THINK ITS FUNNY SO YOU SUGGESTED YOU WATCH YOUR MOUTH AND IF I CATCH YOU AND REST OF YOU WITH LAUREN PICKING ON BETHANY AGAIN IM GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY GOT IT[turn red eyes her voice deep]OR YOU WILL LEARN YOUR PLACE '' and shelly&her friends went scared and said'' OK OK MAM'' and boo calm down said'' GOOD NOW WE ARE EVEN IF YOU DONT MIND I HAVE BUSINESS TAKE CARE OF[walk away calm]'' and lauren said''UGH YOU FREAK....YOU HURT ME....YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONGER THEN ME'' and boo said'' PFF YA'' and lauren got up and said'' YOU GONNA REQUET THIS'' and boo said''OH YA YOU STARTED IT LAUREN IN THE FIRST PLACE AND YOU THINK FUNNY TO TEASE BETHANY NOW ON ME OH NONONO THAT NOT GONNA HAPPEN BECAUSE I DONT THINK ITS FUNNY ITS ANNOYING OF ALL YOUR PATHETIC LIES AND A BULLY'' and lauren said'' BULLY HOW DARE YOU'' and boo said'' YOU CALLED HER NAMES NONSTOP AND YOU KNOW WHAT NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR OPINION AND I KNOW  WHO YOU REALLY ARE AND YOU WANNA PLAY ROUGH BRING IT ON[cross her arms]'' and lauren charge and in force and boo said''UMPH'' and we pulled each other hair and boo pulled more force and lauren said''OH YA HOW ABOUT THIS[grab her cloak]''and boo notice said'' WHAT THE LET GO'' and lauren said'' TO LATE'' and cloak comes off and boo was shocked said'' YOU SO GOING TO GET IT LAUREN OF WHO ARE MESSING WITH'' and this is war and lauren is gonna mess with boo other side true form

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now