chapter 58

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sully fell so stupid in past 3 months without boo and fired those used girls and said'' i need boo back'' and so then sully went off and until saw her door and pick up her folder then her card slide it until her door show up and as he press the button and as grab the knob as took a deep breath and went in and mom and dad heard a noise and dad said'' WHAT WAS THAT'' and mom said'' I DONT KNOW LETS FIND OUT'' and so then mom and dad got closer they were shocked seeing familar figure and mom said'' MR SULLIVAN'' and sully turn around said'' MR AND MRS DARK '' and mom said'' OMG ITS GOOD TO SEE YOU IN PERSON'' and sully hug them both said'' its great to see you too....where is boo'' and dad said'' you better come see this'' and sully watch the news said'' OH NO BOO IS IN DANGER I NEED TO SAVE HER'' and mom said'' NO ITS TO DANGEROUS OUT THERE YOU CAN GET HURT SULLIVAN'' and sully said'' THEN WHAT SHOULD WE DO'' and dad said'' WE NEED TO SAVE HER HONEY DO YOU HAVE A HUMAN SPELL'' mom said'' YA'' and sully said'' WAIT WHAT'' and dad said'' follow us'' and so then sully did and was shocked a spell room and notice said'' is this boo'' and mom said'' ya that her when she was 5 learning her first spells it can go well or not'' and sully said''wow'' and mom look through the book said'' i got it human transfiguration spell'' and dad said'' sullivan please stand in the middle of the circle please'' and sully said'' ok you guys can call me sully'' and mom said'' yes please sully'' and sully stand in the middle of the circle said'' is this going to hurt mr and mrs dark'' and dad said'' well a little'' and mom said'' and go shopping quickly for human boy clothes that fits you'' and sully said'' fair enough'' so then mom said'' are you ready for this sully'' and sully said''i think so'' and so then dad and mom preform the spell and sully notice he has no clothes and no horns,tail,spikes and said'' woah'' and mom said'' here sweetie put these on'' and sully said'' human wear clothes woah that werid'' and dad said'' yes you will get used to it but you still have your roar so be careful'' and sully said'' ok thanks'' and so then mom said'' be careful out there sully'' and so then boo is arrested and about to sent to prison to death and hunter said'' I have a better way to sent her death'' and police said'' alright do your thing'' and shadow hear something and hides as listen to record it and hunter said'' to the standpede'' and shadow was shocked said'' standpede that means that cliff where all the people are...OH GOD I BETTER GO TELL MR AND MRS DARK QUCIKLY'' and so then shadow left quickly and quietly and so then fast as he can as went to the woods as bang the door and dad said'' ILL GET IT[open the door]SHADOW YOUR BREATHING HARD WHAT IS GOING ON'' and shadow said'' YOU HAVE TO GO BACK BOO IS IN TROUBLE'' and dad said''WHAT'' and sully said'' WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE IS IN TROUBLE'' and shadow said'' THERE IS NO TIME TO EXPLAIN DUDE BOO IS GOING TO THE STANDPEDE'' and sully said'' WHAT LETS GO'' and mom said'' WE ARE COMING WITH YOU LETS GO EVERYONE'' and so then we all ran and sully said'' babe hang in there'' and so then boo trying to stop from going in as being pushed by hunter said'' DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM'' and hunter said'' YES I DO ANS I DONT CARE' and boo growled and worried so then shadow drove there to the other side and sully saw her on the other side said'' BABE'' and boo said'' KITTY'' and shadow said'' HANG IN THERE BOO WE CAME TO RESCUE YOU'' and hunter said'' DONT COME ANY CLOSER OR THE GIRL GO IN THERE'' and boo was worried and sully said'' DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER'' and boo feel sully actually cared about her said'' oh kitty you do care' and sully said'' yes I do'' and hunter was about to put her in the edge and boo was worried

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now