chapter 54

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Sully is her nervous to meet her parents and so then boo was doing her thing at work and said'' hey babe'' and boo said'' yes kitty'' and sully said'' I'm kind of nervous meeting your parents is it hot in here it is just me'' and boo said'' are you nervous'' and sully said'' well yes'' and boo said'' relax kitty you would be fine I was nervous meeting your parents remember'' and sully said'' you were'' and boo said'' ya of course I thought they were going to judge me or something or whatever but now it's your turn'' and sully said'' ya'' and so then boo touch his hand and said'' take a deep breath'' and sully took a deep breath and out said'' ok let's do this'' and boo notice its call said'' ready[notice sully nodded] alright'' and boo made the portal and mom said'' OH HI SWEETIE HONEY LOOK ITS OUR DAUGHTER'' and dad said'' LET ME SEE'' and boo said'' HI MOM AND DAD'' and mom said'' who that right next to you sweetie'' and boo said'' mom dad I want you to meet someone very special of mine'' and dad said'' who is it'' and boo said'' this is James p Sullivan and the ceo of monsters inc'' and sully said'' hi please call me sully'' and mom said'' wow sweetie I never know me Sullivan is handsome[notice sully blushes and look at her husband] I mean no a fence honey'' dad said'' none taking'' and so then sully said'' um thanks mrs dark I really love your daughter'' and dad said'' wait so you dating my daughter'' sully said'' ya she tried every job but I did notice she is good organized things with her magic so I ask her to be my strategic assistant at monsters and she said yes'' and boo said'' yep it's true and later sully ask me out and I said yes and we been dating ever since'' and mom said'' WOW WHAT A STORY'' dad said'' who did you two meet'' and boo said'' it's a long story dad'' and dad said'' ok then'' and mom said'' so tell us sully everything about yourself'' and sully said'' well you know I'm the ceo of monsters inc and heard about waternoose my old boss'' and dad said'' NO WAY'' and sully said'' well babe do you have the paper'' and boo said'' sure[brings it over ]take a look'' and so then mom dad read it and shocked said'' WHAT'' and sully said'' I know right'' and mom said'' wow that is not ok to do with kids'' and sully said'' ya I thought so too so I thought laugh power would be ten times power then scream'' and dad said'' that is smart mr Sullivan'' and sully said'' thanks mr dark'' and so then mom said'' what else'' and boo said'' I met his parents and they were nice to me'' mom said'' woah really we would love to meet them'' and sully said'' someday you will be'' and dad said'' keep the good work make sure treat my daughter well'' and sully said'' I will mr dark and mrs dark I promise'' and mom smile said'' it was lovely meet you mr Sullivan'' and dad said'' ya we gonna go'' and sully said'' BYE'' and boo close it said'' well kitty'' and sully said'' wow they were nice but also monsters as well'' and boo said'' see kitty I told you they would like you'' and sully said'' ya I promise them to treat you well'' and boo said'' aww thanks kitty I'm glad I have you as my boyfriend'' and sully said'' me too boo''as we hold hands and kissed for real as we begin to make out and sully made the move and boo was shocked said'' kitty what are you doing'' and sully said'' sorry did I made the move'' and boo said'' let's wait until I'm ready for that'' and sully said'' ok then let's hang out and watch a movie'' and so then we did and it was best night ever   

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