chapter 33

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mike and sully were both kicked of the scaring program  and dean look at boo said'' miss dark come down here please'' and boo was surprised and comes down said'' yes dean hardscabble'' and dean said'' you know mr wazowski is not scary after all'' and boo said'' of course dean hardscabble i know it ever since then i warned wazowski what is going to happen but he refuse to listen'' and dean said'' i see thank you for your honestly'' and boo said'' your welcome im glad you agree with me'' and dean said'' yes i understand so wanna do your test'' and boo said'' my test ok'' and so then she did and it was in between and hardscabble&knight were shocked and boo was nervous hope she passed or not and so then professor said'' dean hardscabble say you did your best in this exam but you didn't pass im sorry'' and boo said'' oh alright then thank you  for the moment of your time dean hardscabble and professor[grab her things with her magic and walk out the door]'' and we tried the one class of scream cane design was boring and so then later boo notice the crowd and fly over to check it out and so then johnny saw her said''BABE OVER HERE'' and boo notice said'' oh[fly down and turn back] what is going on'' and johnny said'' i already replace sullivan and got someone new'' and boo said'' really who'' and johnny said'' dont worry you will see babe'' and so then as scare games kick off and everyone is excited and mike was mad at first and then stood up and said'' WAIT IM SIGNING UP'' and boo said'' oh no you got to be kidding me'' and johnny said'' WHAT'' and sully was mad at mike then notice it too and so then claire said'' UH YOU HAVE TO BE IN A FLATERNITY TO COMPLETE'' and mike said'' BEHOLD THE NEXT WINNING FRATERNITY OF THE SCARE GAMES THE BROTHERE...MY BROTHERS OOZE KAPPA'' and everyone is shocked and dean sighed said'' MR WAZOWSKI WHAT ARE YOU DOING'' and mike said'' YOU JUST SAID THE WINNERS ARE MOST FEARSOME MONSTERS ON CAMPUS IF I WIN IT MEANS YOU KICKED OUT THE MASCARA IN THE WHOLE SCHOOL'' and dean said''THAT WON'T HAPPEN'' and mike wanna make a deal to her and said'' HOW ABOUT A LITTLE WAGER IF I WIN YOU LET ME BACK ON THE SCARING PROGRAM'' anfd sully was shocked said'' what'' and so then dean said'' AND WHAT WOULD THAT PROVE'' and mike went serious said'' that you were wrong'' and dean is fine making a deal and said'' VERY WELL IF YOU WIN I WILL LET YOUT ENTIRE TEAM INTO A SCARE PROGRAM BUT IF YOU LOSE YOU WILL LEAVE MONSTER UNIVERSITY'' and boo said'' ooo this gonna be good'' and johnny said'' oh ya'' and mike notice she is serious too and said'' DEAL'' and dean smirk as walk away and said'' NOW ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS FIND ENOUGH MEMBERS TO COMPETE'' and brock think terry and terri are example of one body and mike want more member on a team and randell trying to squeeze by and mike said'' RANDY THANK GOODNESS I NEED YOU ON MY TEAM'' and randy said'' OH SORRY IM ALREADY ON A TEAM[hear johnny call]I'M FINALLY WITH THE COOL KIDS MIKE DONT BLOW THIS FOR ME'' and boo was impressed but still see him in her heat vision and said'' even through you are invisible but i can still see you mr boggs''and randy said'' OH MAN'' so then sully have enough and said'' YES IT DOES THE STAR PLAYER JUST ARRIVED'' and mike disagree and claire said'' WE'RE SHUTTING DOWN SIGNUPS OK IS HE ON YOUR TEAM OR NOT'' and mike look at him and finally said'' YES HE IS ON MY TEAM'' and dean smirk said'' GOOD LUCK'' and so then mike&sully join ooze kappa and sully finds out they are not scary and their household is not big either like others and mike was a bit jealous of sully and so then its been crazy and  ooze kappa like sully so then boo notice johnny was keeping his distance and said'' ha what is going on'' and so then boo tried to touch him and johnny said'' not in the mood babe'' and boo said'' um ok...that is werid'' and boo hope her day get better at the first event toxic event mike&sully argue but left the team behind and boo was happy that ror team won and got celebrate kiss from her boyfriend and mike&sully realizes they left their team behind and almost in last place and so then hope to be better as team     

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