chapter 22

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boo is now is geting used to her new school and and trying to decided what to do next from both sides of her and her grades too but miss her boyfriend as she sighed said'' oh man shadow i wish you are here'' and draculaura said'' HEY COUSIN'' and boo said'' oh hi cousin what's up'' and and draculaura said'' oh you have a boyfriend ha'' and boo said'' SHHH DON;T SAY OUT LOUD COUSIN'' and draculaura said'' sorry did you know im a fearleading squad'' and boo said'' really'' and draculaura said'' ya really wanna join'' and boo said'' um i dont know cousin'' and inner said'' HEY LETS DO IT'' and draculaura notice too said'' YOUR INNER VAMPIRE IS TALKING TO YOU'' and boo said'' ya i know but dont say it to anyone'' draculaura said'' i won't say a word'' and boo said'' good i guess ill give it a try'' draculaura saud''AWESOME YOU WILL LOVE IT AND CLEO IS THE FEARLEADING CAPTAIN'' and boo said'' oh interesting'' and she show her and boo is shocked and cleo said'' oh you must be the new one'' and boo said'' actually im a ghoul'' and cleo said'' show us that you really are ghoul'' and boo sighed said'' fine you wanna know the truth[put her hood down] see'' and all ghouls are shocked and draculaura said'' SEE I TOLD YA'' and clawdeen said'' wow'' and frankie said'' wow'' and boo put her hood back on and cleo said'' so let me guess this straight here you are ghoul and draculaura;s cousin and you wanna join the fear squad'' and boo said'' well yes'' and cleo said'' ok then show me what you got'' and boo said'' very well then[took a deep breath]'' and ghoulia turn on the music and boo begin dancing all her might and do some flips and flops and some splits and said'' HA YA'' and boo was breathing hard and cleo is was shocked so rest of the ghouls and so then boo fix herself said'' well what do you think'' and cleo said'' um yes you are in'' and boo said'' awesome'' and so then later boo become part of a cheer squad and sometimes impress cleo and so then sully said'' hey boo um wanna hang out sometime'' and boo said'' ha are you asking me out mr sullivan'' and sully said'' well um, maybe'' and boo said'' oh mr sullivan i love to but im busy right now'' and sully said'' oh ok then cool ill see you later then'' and boo said'' ya sure'' and so then boo walk away and boo been studying at outside at her home and school also doing protecting nature and knows fearleading squad routine by heart but still dating shadow for a while and notice something is not right and so then until shadow was kissing a different girl said'' WHAT THE HELL'' and shadow said'' mmm'' and emo girls said''mmm'' and boo ran in put them apart said'' WHAT THE HELL SHADOW'' abnd shadow said'' OH BABE ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE'' and boo said'' I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CHEATED ME FROM THIS HUMAN EMO GIRL AND YOU THINK SHE IS BETTER THEN ME IM NOT THAT STUPID'' and shadow said'' babe it if you let me explain and she is pretty then you'' and boo is shocked and slap and kick him in the ball said'' THAT FOR HURTING ME YOU IDIOT WE ARE DONE SHADOW FOR NOW ON WE ARE JUST FRIENDS I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY WITH YOUR NEW GIRLFRIEND[walk away angry]'' and shadow said''AHHH MY PENIS AND FACE UGH''and emo girl is shocked and boo feel her heart is broken and didn't come out of her room and mom notice said'' sweetie what is wrong[notice her face] oh my princess come here[cuddle with her]'' and boo cuddle with her mother said'' MOM...HE CHEATED FROM ME'' and mom said'' who did sweetie'' and boo said'' SHADOW'' and mom said'' WHAT SHOULD WE TELL YOUR FATHER'' and boo said'' um no mom'' and mom said'' why not'' boo said'' you see i told him we are over and we are just friends nothing more'' and mom said'' oh i see'' and boo said'' ya its fine to talk to dad but just tell him we are friends'' and mom said'' ok honey i will'' and mom told her husband and dad said'' WHAT HE BROKE MY DAUGHTER HEART HE GOING TO GET A PIECE OF MY MIND'' and mom said'' honey wait she also said they are just friends honey ok'' and dad said'' well i guess its ok as long he knows our family secret'' and mom said'' true'' and so then boo sat in the woods by herself and her friends saw her and gave her confident love and boo feel appropriated    

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now