chapter 37

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johnny begin to have feeling for randy and so then randy said'' what about your girlfriend will it find out'' and johnny said'' oh pff who cares about her as we keep it as a secret she will never find out'' and randy was shocked and said'' um ok'' and so then later mike& rest ooze kappa went in a field trip to monsters inc for tips and find out they need to work together as a team and until they pass dont scare the teen and hide and sneak but johnny was shocked then ever and as more team have been gone from the games except last is ROR and OK so then everyone cheered on both teams and so then at the final event is the scare simulator and so then boo notice something off from johnny and follow and so then hear moaning said'' WHAT THE HELL'' and boo was shocked and saw johnny&randy together and as growled and went in johnny said''OH RANDY MORE'' and randy said'' AH'' and so then boo barge in said'' JOHNNY WORTHINGTON WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON'' and johnny said'' BABE ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE'' and boo saw randy and said'' GET OUTMR BOGGS IM GOING TO HAVE A LITTLE TALK WITH MY BOYFRIEND'' randy said'' ok'' and so then johnny said'' boo are you ok'' and boo said'' DO I LOOK LIKE IM OK...TAKE IT BACK'' and so johnny sais'' I CAN'T DO THAT IM SORRY, IM REALLY SORRY ILL DO ANYTHING'' and boo said'' WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN[punch him] YOU REALLY PISSING ME OFF[her eyes turn red as punch him good]'' and johnny said'' UGH'' and boo said'' YOU DON'T GET IT, I AN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT ME TO IM PROTECTING YOU JOHNNY WHY YOU TRYING TO LEAVE ME UGH...ARE YOU AN IDIOT'' and johnny notice she is angry and her powes are showing too and said'' um ya im an idiot''and boo kick him more then once and johnny said'' UGH, MY GUTS.....MY SPLEEN UGH'' and boo said'' DON'T YOU SEE YOU MAKING A HUGE MISTAKE YOU REALLY...REALLY SHOULD NOT LEAVE ME DONT YOU CARE ABOUT ME'' and johnny said'' EVEN SO I'' and boo gave him more torture of pain and said'' THIS IS FOR CHEATING FROM ME AND THIS IS FROM ME'' and johnny said'' AHHHHH.....UWAHHH......STOP NO WEAPONS GWAH'' and boo said'' THAT WHAT YOU GET FROM ME YOU CHEATER WE ARE DONE FOR GOOD[left the room]UMPH'' and johnny feel the pain for a while and boo went further and cried by a tree and event is about to start soon and sully heard johnny scream said'' oh geeze i guess he learn his lesson and so then boo got away from the event and cried and said'' ugh i feel so stupid falling for that idiot johnny worthington'' and so then boo went to his room and see us together and grab them and tear them apart one by one and so then did the same to her room and went over and watch the final event and notice johnny team cheated and for toxic and until sullivan vs randy so then boo said'' come on sullivan....[notice he did the roar] way to go sullivan'' and so then its final time and mike vs johnny and ooze kappa won for the first time and johnny was shocked and said'' OH MY GOD'' and randell was mad at sully and sad'' ITS THE LAST TIME I LOSE TO YOU SULLIVAN'' and boo smirk and so then after it was over and mike was staring at the simulator and was happy to be a scarer and sully want him to join until mike find out his setting different and then shocked said'' DID YOU DO THIS'' and sully said'' mike um'' and mike went serious said'' DID YOU DO THIS'' and sully said'' YES I DID BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND'' and mike said'' YOU SAID YOU BELIEVE ME YOU JUST LIKE HARD SCRABBLE AND EVERYONE ELSE'' and sully said'' but you get better and better'' and mike said''IM SCARY AS YOU IM SCARY AS ANYONE'' and sully said'' mike'' and mike was dissapointed but hard broken and so decided to do something stupid of going to human to prove he is scary and broke in the door lab and so then johnny want sully back at his team of his dream but sully made a huge mistake and ran toward dean hardscabble and confess he cheating and hard scabble was very dissapointed and want them to leave campus tomorrow morning and boo took a moment to sit until the alarm and dean said''' WHAT[fly off to investigate]'' and sully notice said''OH NO'' and boo hears it and said'' what is going on'' and other said'' SOMEONE BROKE IN THE DOOR LAB'' and boo said''OH NO DONT TELL ME HE....OH NO WAZOWSKI WHAT HAVE YOU DONE[ran to the door lab]'' and so then it was to late and mike realizes he is in the room full of campers and feel scared and so then sully show up and worried and so then dean said'' NOBODY COME NEAR THIS DOOR UNTIL THE CDA ARRIVED'' and boo show up and so then sully wants to go in and ooze kappa decided to help and dean said''NO...SULLIVAN DONT GO IN THERE'' and boo said'' SULLIVAN NO[bang]UGH '' and she was to late and sully notice humans are everywhere even police and need to find a way out and so then got himself into trouble and boo notice its not to late and went invisable and sneak pass them quietly and turn herself off and sighed of relief and its going to crazy rescue mike and sully in the human world

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now