chapter 9

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boo&bethany went to the alley to have a private chat and bethany said'' boo what is going on'' and boo said''  bethany im going to tell you something but dont freak out alright'' and bethany said'' ok'' and boo said'' im not human but like a monster'' and bethany said'' woah that why you kick lauren's butt'' and boo said'' well yes to protect you but honestly i know how to deal with those idiots'' and bethany said'' wow boo i never know that'' and boo said'' ya honestly i hated lauren the way she treated you so is anything else i need to know'' and bethany said'' well we used to be friends and now i dont know what to do and even though i told her many times to stop threating me and now i''' and boo finally understand said'' bethany listen to me i understand your situation and i can help'' and bethany said'' really'' and boo said'' yes really ill make her threat me instead just ignore it completely'' and bethany said'' but how'' and boo said'' easy use their words vs them'' and bethany said'' boo you know how fight'' and boo said'' ya i do  all my life'' and bethany said'' i don't know how'' and  boo said'' i can teach you but why she is picking on you'' and bethany said'' well she put mean messages online and i don't know its no point to escape her'' and boo said'' hmmm so you are telling me she been following you like a stalker and threating in harressment that bitch she is not going to get away with this'' and bethany said'' i know i just wish i can be more like you'' and boo said'' i know a monster helping a human but we can be friends'' and bethany said'' but i want to ask what kind of monster are you anyway'' and boo sighed said'' oh very well im a vampire'' and bethany said'' woah '' and boo said'' trust me all my life i hated bullied always so disrespectful but they will might scared of me'' and bethany said'' woah really how'' and boo said'' ill tell you if you keep this as a secret and you know im a girl right'' and bethany said'' ya i do so alright i promise'' and boo said'' see this cloak'' and bethany said'' ya'' and boo said'' when my cloak comes off i turn into a real vampire'' and bethany said'' A REAL VAMPIRE''and boo said'' yes bethany this way dont say to anyone at school or anyone promise' and bethany said'' i promise so what do you do'' and boo said'' oh i do, practice martial arts on both sides of me, practice magic,talk to animals things like that and you'' and bethany said'' oh i do like do my nails,hair,fashion things like that'' and boo said'' woah girl stuff but you just need a little more push of help because you are not alone'' and bethany said'' thanks boo for understanding'' and boo said'' come on lets hang out and get away from the stupid bitches'' and bethany said'' ya good idea wait[notice the text]'' and so then boo notice and grab her phone and said'' let me see that bethany'' and bethany said'' ok'' and boo reads the messages and growled so brings out her phone and put her number into hers and block on bethany and said'' THERE SHE WILL BOTHER ME INSTEAD'' and bethany said'' thanks boo'' and we did and we got along just fine as friends  

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now