chapter 49

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so then the next morning boo was working in her office while her boyfriend james p sullivan is at the laugh floor and made a commerical about it and fungus said'' so what do you think mr sullivan'' and sully said'' i dont know fungus do most CEOS sign off on commericals,where the company logo gets right over their faces how much cost to reshooot,no never mind run with it and maybe show it too my girl see what she thinks'' fungus said'' ok mr sullivan'' and so then fungus left and went up the elevator to the office and knocks the door and boo said'' ENTER'' and so then fungus said'' hey boo i mean boss i was wondering if you want to see the commercial we just made and see what you think'' and boo said'' alright fungus play it'' and so then fungus open the laptop and show it and boo watches carefully and said'' well what do you think'' and boo said'' it looks great but i dont understand why they the logo over on sully's face'' and fungus said'' i can fix it'' and boo said'' actually lets stay as it is'' fungus said'' ok miss dark'' and boo smile and fungius left and do his thing and so then mike is in charge too but also a top laugh collector and celia was so happy for mike and so then needleman said'' WOW WAY TO GO MR WAZOWSKI YOU'RE LIKE THE FUNNIEST MONSTER EVER'' and smitty said'' LEAVE HIM ALONE MAN YOU'RE EMBARRESSING YOURSELF'' and mike smirk said'' not at all according to the scoreboard i clearly am the funniest monster ever'' and george said'' YOU'RE WOULDN'T BE AHEAD IS SOMEONE HADN'T TAKEN MY BEST COMEDY PROPS WAZOWSKI'' and mike notice the smell and said'' WHOO, YOU DONT HAVE TO MAKE A BIG STINK ABOUT IT GEORGE... I MEAN LITERALLY YOU STINK IS THAT DAFFODILS'' and george notice said'' I CAN'T HELP IT IF I GET FRAGMENT WHEN I'M UPSET ITS A NATURAL DEFENSE MECHANISM'' and so then sully hear george and his best friend arguing and went over said''WHAT THE PROBLEM HERE GEORGE'' and george said'' THE PROBLEM IS SOMEONE IS STEALING MY BEST COMEDY PROPS FROM MY LOCKER'' and other monsters jokers agree and mike said'' OH BOO HOO, ITS A POOR WORKMAN WHO BLAMES HIS TOOLS ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU DON'T HAVE THE NATURAL TALENT AND COMEDIC TIMING OF MIKE WAZOWSKI THE ONLY PROP I NEED IS MY STEP STOOL AND THATS= JUST FOR KIDS CAN SEE ME OVER THE EDGE OF THEIR BED GET IT BECAUSE IM SHORT'' and sully was not in the mood and said'' WHAT DO YOU WANT MIKEY'' and so then mike wanna gets a bonus and sully it looks fine and mike said'' so do you come to dinner with me and celia tonight and boo can come too'' and sully sighed said' thanks mike i can't tonight me and boo need to do so much paperwork to run this factory'' and mike said'' oh alright then'' so then boo got off from the office and hear something said'' WHO THERE.....HMMM WHAT IS GOING ON'' and randell was hiding in stealth mode and so then mike said'' boo what wrong'' and boo said'' i swear i saw something'' and mike said'' its problely nothing'' and boo said'' are you sure mike its a bit off'' and celia said'' hmm she does have a point ill get sully'' and boo said' 'good idea'' and so then boo went into the boys locker room and mike said''BOO YOU CAN'T BE IN THE[notice the stare]um nevermind'' and so then boo said''figures'' and so then sully show up said'' ok what is going on'' and boo said'' oh kitty i saw something off but i dont know who yet'' and sully said'' oh thanks babe for telling me'' and boo said'' i have a feeling someone is here'' and sully said'' um ok'' and mike said'' UGH I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS ALWAYS BEEN SO BUSY YOU COMPLAIN ALL THIS TIME YOU BOTH HAVE SO MUCH WORK YOU GUYS CAN'T DO THINGS TOGETHER'' and boo ignore it and sully said'' ITS NOT THAT SIMPLE MIKE[argue back]' and boo notice from the locker is open filled with stuff and said'' i wonder[grab the prop and pulled]MMMM'' and sully said'' BOO AND I JUST CAN'T BLOW OFF OUR PAPERWORK LIKE SOME....'' and until a loud KABOOM and boo went back and fly  hit by the other lockers and slide down and said'' UMPH....OW[rubbed herself]'' so then boys were shocked and sully said'  OH MY GOD BABE ARE YOU OK'' and boo said'' ya im ok but look what i found boys'' and sully said'' the jokers missing props nice work babe'' and boo smile and so then sully help his girlfriend up and said'' MIKE WHAT ARE THE OTHER AMUSERS MISSING PROPS IN YOUR LOCKER'' and mike said'' WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING SULLY,Y'KNOW EVER SINCE YOUN TOOK OVER FROM WATERNOOSE'' boo notice the boys are arguing again said'' oh brother here we go again'' and mike look at sully and said'' HA I KNEW IT I KNEW YOU WERE JEALOUS...YOU USED TO HAVE A SPOTLIGHT ALL TO YOURSELF BUT NOW YOU JUST HAVE TO SIT ON THE SIDELINES AND MATCH ME GET ALL THE ATTENTION AND YOU CANT STAND IT'' and boo notice something on mike's locker said'' what the....that look very familiar um boys'' and mike said'' UGH OH MY GOD SULLY'' and boo said'' um boys''  and sully said'' WE ARE TRYING OUT BEST HERE'' and boo can't take it anymore and use her vampire roar said'' BOYS'' and boys were shocked said'' WHAT'' and boo said'' LISTEN TO ME BOTH OF YOU AND STOP ARGUING AND FIGURE OUT WHAT IS GOING ON UNDERSTAND[serious stare look] YOU DONT LIKE WHEN IM ANGRY'' and mike said'' yes mam'' and sully said'' YES BABE'' and mike said'' so what did you find out'' and boo said'' well mike does this mark look familiar to you[show it]''  and sully said'' it can't be'' and boo said'' are you thinking what im thinking'' and mike said'' no'' and so then boo said'' we need to look at the security cameras and find out what is causing this'' and mike said'' i think she is right'' and sully said'' ya i should call roz'' and boo stopped him and said'' NO KITTY DONT CALL ROZ WE NEED TO FIND OUT OURSELVES...[took a deep breath] trust me on this'' and sully stopped and listens as put the phone down and said'' your right lets go'' and so then we did as went to the security room and sully said' hi waxford'' and waxford said'' oh hello mr sullivan and miss dark'' and boo said'' we like to take a look see from a camera footage in the lockers room waxford can you do that'' and waxford said'' sure'' and sully notice a familar hand said'' wait a minute'' and boo notice it too and said'' I KNOW IT'' and so then randell hit waxford hard and sully said'' RANDELL'' and randell said'' TO SMART FOR YOUR OWN GOOD SULLIVAN WAIT A MINUTE I KNOW YOU FROM SOMEWHERE'' and boo said''wait a minute randy'' and randell said'' MY NAME IS NOT RANDY ANYMORE ITS RANDELL ALRIGHT'' and boo said'' WHATEVER'' and randell said'' AFTER I FLAME BOTH OF YOU FOR ATTACKING WAXFORD, IT'LL LOOK LIKE YOU WERE CAHOOTS WITH WAZOWSKI COVER UP THE EVIDENCE TO MAKE SURE HE DIDNT TAKE DOWN WITH HIM'' and boo said'' IT WAS YOUR PLAN ALL ALONG TO GET REVENGE ON KITTY AND WAZOWAKI'' and randell said'' KITTY ARE YOU TWO DATING DONT MAKE ME LAUGH'' and boo growled with sully so then sully charge in said'' ARGH'' and randell dodge it and said'' AH AH AH CAN'T GRAB WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE SULLIVAN BUT I CAN SEE YOU JUST FINE'' and boo use her heat vision said'' KITTY WATCH OUT'' and randell was about to hit him and boo went in front of him as block and grab it just in time and sully said'' babe'' and boo said'' YOU FORGOT ONE THING RANDELL YOU MAY BE INVISABLE BUT YOU ARE STILL WARM BLOODED BUT I CAN SEE YOU JUST FINE SO WHY YOU HAVE A SEAT[ throw him]'' and randell said'' UMPH[broke through the door and landed across the floor]UGH'' and sully went in and grab randell said'' GOTCHA'' and boo got out and smirk so then show everyone the truth and celia said'' RANDELL SULLY...BOO WHAT IS GOING ON'' and sully said'' DAMN IT CELIA JUST CALL ROZ'' and roz show up and boo said'' roz we are telling the truth we have proof mikey was innocent all along'' and waxford show the proof and it was randell this whole time and roz said'' YOU SHOULD HAVE CALLED ME SOONER MR SULLIVAN'' sully said''   WANT TO ROZ BUT MY GIRL TOLD ME NOT TO SO I LISTEN TO HER'' and everyone at monsters were shocked its the truth and george said'' THEY ARE RIGHT ALL ALONG'' and boo smirk said'' NEXT TIME GEROGE AND PHLEMN DON'T BLAME ON SOMEONE THAT THEY DIDN'T DO UNLESS YOU HAVE PROOF UNDERSTAND'' and george and phlemn said'' WE ARE SORRY'' and boo said'' that better'' and so then roz arrested randell for good and everything is back to normal and for now at least   

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now