chapter 35

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and the second event they won and they got invited to the ROR party for the first time and boo was study once again at ROR library and so then ooze kappa have a great time and squishy said'' I NEVER STAY THIS UP IN MY LIFE'' and sully was not happy and squishy got an idea and bring sully in as a invisable rope and sully sighed and join as pretend and join in finally and so then mike see the pictures of the past scarers in this team and as johnny begin to make a speech and johnny said'' HEY QUIET, QUIET DOWN THE RANGERS ALL RIGHT ON THE BEHALF OF THE ROARS WE WANNA CANGRATS ALL THE TEAMS THAT MADE IT THIS FAR LET HEAR IT FROM THE PINKS, HISS VERY CREEPY AND FINALLY THE SURPRISE TEAM OF THE SCARE GAMES...OOZE KAPPA COME ON OVER GUYS[notice they did] NOW I GONNA ADMIT FELLAS I THOUGHT YOU WERE BUNCH OF NOBODYS BUT BOY AM I WRONG LETS HEAR OF OOZE KAPPA'' and boo notice something tingling and went over and until said'' oh no not again'' and johnny said'' THE MOST ADORABLE MONSTERS ON CAMPASS'' and until boo was shocked said'' SULLIVAN ITS A TRAP'' and sully notice said'' ha[notice its to late]ugh great'' and so then ooze kappa got paint,confetti,flowers and finally stuff animals and boo saw other monsters laugh at ooze kappa as they got a front page of the school paper and boo reads it and said'' JOHNNY'' and so then boo destroy it with her magic and so then johnny was about to leave and boo cross her arms again and SLAM the door angry and johnny said'' WOAH BABE YOU SURPRISED ME'' and boo said'' JOHNNY YOU DID IT AGAIN DIDN'T YOU'' and johnny said'' what are you talking about'' and boo said'' DONT LYING TO ME JOHNNY I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THE PRANK AGAIN BUT WORSE THEN BEFORE AND WHERE DID YOU GET THAT SHIRT'' and johnny said'' um babe let me explain '' and boo said'' DONT TELL ME YOU PUT THAT IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CAMPASS[smack herself] DID YOU'' and so then johnny said'' um'' and boo said'' JOHNNY WORTHINGTON'' and johnny said'' babe if you just'' and boo said'' I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'' and johnny said'' it was just raising little money for chairty''  and boo said'' CHAIRTY.... YOU MAKE THEM FEEL WORSE THEN BEFORE I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STOP BUT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SELFISH HAVE FUN AT YOUR CHAIRY PARADE AND WILL SEE WHO IS BETTER THEN YOU[walk away slam the door]'' and so then johnny was shocked and said''UGH WHATEVER'' and so then boo is mad at johnny and sully notice that and mike tried to get rid of the school paper but not the quad and so then mike was shocked and said'' HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING'' and johnny said'' RAISING A LITTLE MONEY FOR CHAIRTY '' and mike said'' WELL STOP IT'' and johnny said'' YOU WANT TO STOP US TO RAISE CHAIRTY THAT NOT COOL'' and mike said'' YOU MAKE US LOOK LIKE FOOLS'' and johnny smirk said'' YOU MAKING YOURSELF LOOK LIKE FOOLS LETS BE HONEST BOYS BECAUSE REAL SCARERS LOOK LIKE US...THERE IS ALWAYS HIRING IN THE MAIL ROOM'' and sully finds out the of johnny true colors and ran away angry and ooze kappa agree and mike said'' HEY HEY WAIT A SECOND WE JUST NEED TO KEEP TRYING'' and sully said'' NO YOU NEED TO STOP TRYING YOU CAN TRAIN LIKE THIS ALL THEY WANT BUT YOU CAN'T CHANGE WHO THEY ARE[walk away]'' and so then boo sighed and said'' ugh i hate my boyfriend he is such an idiot'' and sully notice said'' hey boo i know how you feel'' and boo said'' you do sullivan'' and sully said'' ya i do'' and boo said'' you notice ha'' and sully said'' ya he was a complete jerk and why didn't you dump him'' and boo said'' i just dont know sullivan or what to do next since can't go to the scaring program'' and sully said'' oh we can find a class together'' and boo said'' you want'' and sully said'' ya'' and boo said'' well ok'' and sully said'' awesome lets go'' and so then next one is crazy and mike has to think about it hope make it to back to the scare program again  

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