chapter 53

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Johnny is married to Claire the MU scare games president and so then sully said'' we are working late so let's watch the game'' and boo said'' this better be good kitty'' and sully said'' oh it will don't worry'' and so then boo sigh use her magic and said'' here kitty you do half it do half'' and sully said'' fair enough'' and so then as they announce Johnny worthington  and boo said'' WHAT THE MY EX IS TV YAY FANTASTIC' and sully said'' oh don't worry babe you have me remember'' and boo said'' that true he was a jerk anyway'' and sully said'' that true babe'' and so then Mike said'' ya true'' and so then Mike call someone a loser and boo said''um Mike maybe we talk some one maybe put it away from your ear'' and mike said'' ya you are right about that'' and so then Johnny was talking on the news and boo notice something is not right and said'' hmm something is not right'' and sully said'' what do you mean babe'' and boo said'' do you think Tyler is a feel a bit down lately'' and sully said'' hmm do you have a point there'' and Johnny give him some tips to cheer him up and so then sully said'' wanna grab dinner and yes I know what you want babe vegetarian no meat'' and boo said'' you got it kitty and you know me to well' and sully smile said'' anything for my love[kiss her forehead]'' and so then boo smile and Tyler was nervous said'' hey boo can I talk to you in private'' and boo said'' sure Tyler'' and so then we did when nobody is looking and Tyler said'' well boo you see I just find out Johnny worthington is well married'' and boo said'' WOAH REALLY WITH WHO TYLER'' and Tyler said'' um I'm not sure'' and boo said'' wait it must be no it can't be'' and Tyler said'' what is it'' and boo said'' it's it has to be Claire the MU scare games president'' and Tyler said'' woah really'' and boo said'' I think so ever since the scare games they were kind of close in my time'' and Tyler said'' woah'' and boo said'' ya I better tell kitty about this thanks for telling me Tyler'' and Tyler said'' your welcome' and boo went off and told the boys everything and sully said'' WOAH IT IS TRUE'' and Mike said'' WOW'' and boo said'' ya'' and sully said'' maybe some day we will be married babe'' and boo blushes said''ya'' and Mike said'' HEY WHAT ABOUT ME AND CELIA'',and boo said'' of course Mike'' and Mike said'' I thought so'' and boo smile of having cool friends and boyfriend by her side and so then boo went off shopping with Celia and Johnny is with his kids and saw her said'' boo is that really you'' and boo said'' JOHNNY WORTHINGTON LONG TIME NO SEE'' and kids said'' WHO IS THAT DADDY'' and Johnny said'' kids this is boo rose dark my MU ex girlfriend boo rose dark'' and kids said'' oh' and boo said'' hello kids''and johnny said'' so boo what brings you here'' and boo said'' I just moved in few days ago and now I have been moved on with my boyfriend James p Sullivan and new friend Mike also my other best friend celia which she is around somewhere'' and Johnny said'' oh that nice boo we need to catch up'' and boo said'' yes that true so are you married to Claire the MU scare games president'' and Johnny was shocked said'' how did you know'' and boo said'' I can tell'' and kids said'' she does have a point dad''  and Johnny said'' right so wanna start over and be friends'' and boo said'' I guess so'' and Celia saw her and went over said'' HOLD IT'' and Johnny saw her said'' CELIA ITS GOOD TO SEE YOU TOO'' and celia said'' hi Johnny wow you have children with you that nice so boo you don't have to be friends with him' and boo said'' Celia come on it's my choice'' and celia said'' right sorry' and boo said'' ok then Johnny yes I'll accept your friendship just don't do anything dumb in front of the children'' and Johnny said'' I won't'' and so then we went off our own separate ways and Johnny said'' SULLIVAN IS LUCKY TO HAVE YOU AS A GIRLFRIEND'' and boo smile and said'' ya he sure is and I did saw you on tv'' and so then Johnny smile and  left with his kids and celia said'' that your ex ha'' and boo said'' ya it's all in the past now I moved on and so did he come on let's continue shopping'' and so as boo walk away and celia said'' HEY WAIT FOR ME'' and so then later it's late we went home and sully was worried and went over and knocks at her door and boo said'' hey kitty what's up'' ans sully said'' what is going on babe'' and boo sighed said'' come on in'' and so then boo told him everything and sully said'' YOU RAN OVER TO YOUR EX'' and boo said'' ya I did it was true and he have kids of his own'' and sully said'' wow he did change ha'' and boo said'' ya he did and you remember Claire right'' and sully said'' you mean that MU scare games president at collage'' and boo said'' yep that her'' and sully said'' wow this is was surprising'' and boo said'' ya me too'' and sully said'' ok then it's getting late I should head back to my apartment'' and boo said'' ok kitty you welcome to stay with you want'' and sully said'' ok boo'' and boo said'' a good night kiss'' and sully smiled and said'' sure'' and then we kissed and went off our own separate ways and so then boo sighed and went off to bed since she got work in the morning every single day and do her normal routine and sully said'' morning babe'' and boo said'' morning kitty'' and we kissed and sully said'' ready for a new day'' and boo said'' oh yes I am'' and sully said'' that good''and boo said'' kitty um do you wanna meet my parents since I already met yours'' and sully said'' you think so'' and boo said'' I know so kitty they are monsters too'' and sully said'' oh cool'' and boo said'' we do special portal so we can talk to each other from the distance'' and sully said'' cool'' and sully is nervous meeting boo's parents in the human world

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