chapter 25

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boo was so  happy her cousimn is back and draculaura said'' cousin it was crazy we saw lagoona home and it was amazing her child her friend was a bully and they make up and everything is normal'' and boo said'' oh that good i wish i can come with you'' and draculaura said'' im sure you will'' and so then cleo decided to took us in boo york and tortili took cat noir voice and it was crazy and deuce did broke up with cleo and he made a big mistake and so then we ran to the rooftops fast and boo said'' OH THIS WAY MORE FUN'' and so then ghoulia got an idea it was music from the comet and so then we got there just in time and draculaura have her powera finally  cleo&deuce are back together and boo have a great time and as we got back and boo show her what she needs to do with lots of practice of course and we been lots of crazy adventures like see different worlds like spectra old school called haunted high and fusion monsters like two monsters into one so ya and boo was so happy to see new blood at monster high but she will never find love and went outside to think and sighed and sully still have a huge crush on her and clawd said'' um dude....[notice] ooo you have a crush on draculaura's cousin ha'' and sully said''  WHAT NO DUDE'' and clawd said'' dude i can see it in your face'' and sully said'' dude i saw her face'' and clawd said''WOAH REALLY'' and sully said'' ya he not a boy she a girl'' and clawd said'' woah are you saying its a girl'' and sully said'' YA CLAWD I SAW IT WITH MY OWN EYES'' and clawd said'' oh  believe you sully but why you ask her out'' and sully said'' i don't know clawd she did maybe we can hang out'' and clawd said'' that a good start'' and sully said'' ya i hope so'' and so then until later boo finally graduated from monster high and cleo said'' boo keep this'' and boo said'' a monster high cheersquad uniform but cleo'' and cleo said'' trust me'' and boo said'' aww thanks cleo you maybe a tough leader but not bad being a friend'' and cleo said'' thanks boo'' and draculaura said'' woah i can't believe you are leaving cousin'' and boo notice the hug said'' oh draculaura i will visit i promise and clawd[look at him]'' clawd said'' ya boo'' and boo said'' watch over my cousin will you'' and clawd said'' i will'' and we took a last picture and boo said'' alright sent it to me'' and everyone said'' ok BYE BOO'' and so then boo saw miss bloodgood said'' hey miss bloodgood um'' and bloodgood said'' im very proud of you boo for working hard to make it a better place and help your friends'' and boo said'' ya i know i want them to be happy but i wanna ask you will you let me visit'' and bloodgood said'' of course you are welcome to come back  anytime and here the a SAT to see if you can pass'' and boo smile and said'' awesome'' and so then boo left and mom drove us home said'' we are so proud of you sweetie'' and dad said'' ya really now you need to find the right collage'' and boo said'' ya...WAIT WHAT'' and dad said' im kidding'' and boo said'' DAD REALLY'' mom said'' your father is just joking'' and boo said'' ya i know that'' and so then after we got home boo got right to work to pick which collage to go to and notice the SAT paper and decided to do it and give everything she got and picking for a collage in the human world or monster world and hop she passed and sent it ASAP and so then waited and waited as mom check the mail and noticed a special evelope said'' oh my i better tell my daughter about this'' and so then boo said'' well mom'' and mom said'' you  better  take a look'' and boo open it and noticed said'' OMG I PASSED AND IM GOING TO MU'' and dad said'' that awesome you are going to MU'' and boo said'' i believe so'' and they are so proud of her and after a couple weeks boo begin packing to monster U and will move on with her life 

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now