chapter 29

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mike got him in the trashcan and grab it out as getting his hat back said'' WOHOO'' and sully pick both them up said'' FEAR TECH MASCOT IM GOING TO RULE'' and archie become our mascot and boo have a feeling something is going to come up when she met him and so then other team want us to join and johnny spoke up said'' IM GOING TO TAKE IT FROM HERE GENTLE MEN'' and boo hides behind sully and sully said'' WOAH EASY THERE ROOMIE'' and boo said'' who that'' and sully said'' oh um'' and johnny said'' JOHNNY WORTHINGTON PRESIDENT OF ROR[notice]OH WHO IS THIS PERSON BEHIND YOU'' and boo said'' um'' and johnny said'' oh dont be shy'' and boo hissed and johnny said'' oh fisty one so what is your name big blue'' and sully said'' im james p sullivan but you can call me sully oh this one behind me that my roomie boo rose dark'' and johnny said'' boo rose dark what a pretty name'' and boo said'' um thanks[he looks werid]'' and ched said'' THE GUY OF SULLIVAN WITH THE FAMOUS SULLIVAN I CAN'T BELIEVE IT THIS IS CRAZY[chuckles]''and johnny said'' hey calm down'' and ched said'' IM SORRY'' and johnny said'' SULLY ANY FRESHMAN WITH FULL GUTS TO PULL OFF STUNT LIKE THAT HAS GOT FUTURE SCARER ALL OVER'' and boo didn't go anywhere and johnny notice said'' wanna join us boo i know you have guts too'' and boo said'' um i don't know if i can trust you'' and johnny said'' come on dont be shy ill treat you whatever you want'' and boo said'' really'' and sully said'' ya come on roomie'' and boo said'' um i suppose it won't hurt'' and johnny held out his hand and boo accept it and walk together with him and johnny said'' see that wasn't so hard'' and mike said'' HEY YOU SEE ME RIDE THE BIG THAT TOK GUTS'' and ched stopped mike for entering said'' SLOW DOWN SQUIRT THIS PARTY IS FOR SCARE STUDENTS ONLY'' and johnny notice said'' oh excuse me'' and boo said'' um ok'' and so then johnny look at mike said'' OH SORRY KILLER BUT YOU MIGHT WANT TO HANG OUT WITH SOMEONE MORE SPEED [notice OK] THEY LOOK FUN'' and boo notice they look cute but feel bad for them how other monstrs treat them and johnny pat mike said'' GO CRAZY'' and so then mike said'' IS THAT A JOKE'' and johnny sighed said'' SULLY TALK TO YOUR FRIEND'' and  sully said'' he is not really my friend but sure[look at mike] YOU HEARD HIM THIS IS PART OF SCARE STUDENTS'' and mike said'' I AM A SCARE STUDENT'' and sully said'' I MEAN SCARE STUDENTS OF YOU KNOW...HAVE A CHANCE'' and ched said'' AH SNAP'' and boo said'' woah good one sullivan'' and sully said'' thanks'' and mike said'' JUST YOU WAIT HOT SHOT IM GOING TO CIRCLES AROUND YOU THIS YEAR'' and sully said'' OK I LIKE TO SEE THAT'' and boo follow them and johnny open the door said'' you first'' and boo said'' woah thanks johnny[enter the room]'' and johnny said'' anytime'' and so then as last person close the door and johnny said'' so wanna get a tour around here'' and boo said'' i guess'' and so then he did and johnny said'' so welcome'' and boo said'' um thanks i guess'' and johnny said'' so boo are you are a boy or girl'' and boo said'' ok why you asking this'' and johnny said'' just curious'' and boo said'' if your friends if they just back off'' and johnny said''sure thing babe'' and boo said'' excuse me im not your babe'' and johnny said'' GUYS GIVE IT SOME SPACE WILL YA'' and boys said'' IT UM NO ''and boo said'' BACK OFF BOYS IM SERIOUS'' and sully said'' guys'' and boo push all boys away said'' THAT ENOUGH YOU BOYS WANNA KNOW THE WHOLE TRUTH FINE[grab her hood and put it down and notice all boys shocked]THERE HAPPY''and boys said'' WE ARE SORRY WE DIDN'T KNOW YOU ARE A GIRL'' and boo said'' that better'' and johnny said'' WOAH YOU ARE A GIRL''  and boo said'' well ya get used to it[put her hood back on]'' and so then sully said'' see'' and boo went off the door and went to special quiet place and sighed said'' UGH BOYS ARE SO DUMB SOMETIMES THOSE IDIOTS THEY DONT UNDERSTAND ME'' and boo notice the animals come in to cheer her up and begin to smile and calm down on her own animals said'' we do'' and boo said'' aww thanks guys'' and so then animals care about her and sully saw her with animals said'' woah she look so happy'' and johnny notice it too said'' ya she is'' and sully said'' ya but to bad i got her first'' and johnny said'' no no sullivan i got this one'' and sully said'' no me'' and so then johnny said'' no me'' and they growled and boo walk away to her dorm and went to bed and sully stay with ROR and so then boo was studying  but still hate  wazowski of war who is the better teacher's pet and sully was goofing off with the roars so crazy drama          

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