A servant's worth - 1. Merlin is a cat

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Arthur groans. The light was blinding him and his nose was clogged. He blinked his sore eyes open and rubbed them. There was a purring sound and the feeling of a weight on his chest. It took Arthur a moment to understand what he was seeing.

There was a cat, curled up on his chest. A black cat with a ridiculous red neckerchief around its neck and twitching ears. It would be adorable if Arthur wasn't so pissed.

Arthur grimaced. He was certain this was Merlin's doing. That neckerchief, red and rough looking, was definitely Merlin's. That concluded that the cat was Merlin's as well. Arthur groaned. "MERlin!" Arthur took a pillow from his right and put it over his head. He only lifts it when he deems it way too long for Merlin to respond. "MERLIN!"

The cat completely ignored him and kept purring against his chest. Arthur couldn't tell if Merlin had done this on purpose, - he wouldn't put it past him - or if Merlin just left the door open and the cat had slipped in unnoticed. Arthur raised his head slightly and saw that the door was, in fact, open. He let his head fall back on the pillow. Merlin hadn't woken him - again. The sun stood way too high - again. Arthur was late... again. Arthur groans. "MERLIN!!!!!!"


Did I mention that Arthur was allergic to cats? Alright, it was a mild allergy. He only got sore eyes and a stuffy nose and the itch to sneeze. It wasn't technically life threatening but Arthur would still consider this an act treason if it wasn't his clumsy manservant who was responsible for it.

The light brightened a bit with the clouds moving past and the cat stretched itself before starting to lick its paw. What, pray tell, was Arthur supposed to do? He was being held at sword point by a cat! He couldn't possibly move! It took a couple more minutes before the cat deemed Arthur ready for release and jumped off the bed. Arthur immediately used the chance to get up himself. He stumbled into his trousers and shrugged on a shirt - possibly the wrong way around -, slammed the door to his room shut and hurried down to the physician's chambers.

He burst into the room, only half embarrassed at how many servants had pointed at him and pressed themselves to the walls in order to avoid standing in his path. This was all Merlin's fault and Arthur would definitely punish him for it later. Arthur wondered what would be more satisfying: The stocks, or letting him muck out the stables. "MERLIN!" Arthur wasted no time shouting for Merlin, but Gaius, the court physician, only lazily lifted his head.

"Good afternoon, Sire."

"Where is my useless manservant?!"

Gaius averted his gaze to focus back on his book. "I'm afraid I haven't seen him since yesterday evening, my lord."

Arthur clenched his teeth. "There is a CAT in my room! I want it gone this second!"

Gaius used a single raised brow. It was very effective. "He said something about game night."

"Game night? He's at the tavern, isn't he!" Arthur puffed out a deep breath. "How come, out of all the kings in Albion, I HAD to be given the one manservant who doesn't care about his job, disappears whenever he wants and is also an alcoholic!"

"You could always fire him."

Arthur opened his mouth, then closed it like a fish. Gaius didn't just say that! Of all the people in the castle, shouldn't GAIUS be the one person defending Merlin? "I- why would- how dare- !" Arthur raised his pointer finger, but ended up not saying anything sensible. "He'd be homeless!"

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