Their Tropes (Everyone)

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Slow burn.

He doesn't realize what his feelings are for a while so he ignores them.

Between trying to save everyone and the Brenda and Teresa thing, he didn't recognize that you were his only right choice for a painfully long time.

At the Safe Haven on the night of Newt and Teresa's deaths you decide to ask if he needs anything at all. When he realizes that he just wants you to stay, he finally sees that he's in love.


Despite how happy he can be, you just sense that there's something off a while into the Glade.

After asking if he was okay one night, he doesn't know how to react. He doesn't answer you as he stares at nothing.

As you go to leave because you figured he wanted space he quietly asks you to just stay with him.

So you do. Because you would always be there to help in any way you could.

The undefined relationship.

There's something there, and you both know it. You just won't acknowledge it.

You'll do everything that couples do but never say it outright.

You'll dance around it until Chuck sets you two up, because he's tired of nobody doing anything about the obvious feelings.

Easily an enemies to lovers trope.

You just didn't like his attitude, and he just didn't like you. He kept saying it was weird that there was a girl in the Glade which started a rivalry.

Then, you reconnect in the Last City. You realize that you missed each other even if you hadn't thought about it before you locked eyes.

You discover you both have a lot in common and slowly but surely fall.

Aris Jones
"Touch him and die."
"Touch her and die."

When he first showed up to the Spring the girls were suspicious of him. Before you even knew him you would defend him.

When you get to the Scorch he's quick to be by your side and make sure you're okay. You're the first person he'll look out for when something dangerous comes your way.

No matter where you are you're both constantly falling deeper and deeper in love while keeping each other safe.

Teresa Agnes
Forbidden love.

She's a worker. You're a subject.

You'll still give it a chance, because love conquers all. If you stayed together it would all work out in the end.

Then, you get the Flare after her betrayal. She does everything to save you, but it doesn't work. You're gone, and she blames herself from the very second until she allows herself to die.

Overprotective brother.

Newt was instantly suspicious of you because you just seemed to grow really close really fast.

To avoid him freaking out you kept your relationship a secret until he found you two cuddling after you snuck into her room.

He was going to blow up, but when he saw how happy Sonya looked he left.

In the morning he said he knew but that as long as you two loved each other, and you treated her right, that was all that mattered.

Second chance.

You came up in the box together after WCKD/WICKED wasn't able to pull you two apart since you both kept fighting them.

You guys panicked when you woke up, but when you saw each other for some reason there was just this feeling of safety and comfort.

You never remembered your time before the Maze, but that didn't matter. You fell in love all over again and had that happy ending you had secretly talked about.

Friends to lovers.

You had ended up in Jorge's care a few months after her when he found you surviving on your own.

Brenda and you were best friends basically the second you locked eyes.

As you grew older he saw the spark but let you two figure it out on your own.

You only did when you saw her kissing Thomas in the club. You got jealous, and when she pulled away she saw your face.

She confessed to you first, and because you knew her for so long you knew she wasn't lying.

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