They Accidentally Hurt You (The Girls)

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Sonya(The Safe Haven:Either:Your P.O.V)
I was sort of a clutz. While I had been working on it, you don't exactly change overnight. That meant putting a log of focus on the small things that I constantly seem to miss, no matter what they are. From pieces of glass, to wet floors, to random sticks, I was trying to pay more attention to anything.

It was silly, but I had a calendar with my number of days without an accident. In a twist of irony, I once had to take off my number for the day because I scratched myself with the pencil.

Today though, if I was successful I would have made it to thirty days accident free. That's an entire month of me not getting injured. While it sounds small, it's important to me. This was my secret goal. Partly because it’d be kind of weird to explain and partly because I wanted to actually complete this challenge. If I failed then I would look like a fool. Well, a bigger one than usual.

“Y/N! Can I get a hand!?”Brenda called from the other side of the garden.

“Coming!”I called back, standing up and dropping my gardening tools. Brushing some of the dirt of my hands with my not as dirty clothes, I looked myself over and decided I was satisfied with the result.

“Y/N!?”She called again. Starting to sprint over to her, I kept my eyes straight ahead so I wouldn't run into anything. After all, I am prone to hitting my head on unmoving objects.

Going a little faster since I was almost there, I forgot about land obstacles as I fell headfirst over something. Hitting the dirt, I groaned at the impact.

“Are you okay, love?”the familiar voice of Sonya asked, kneeling beside me.

“Yeah. I’m fine,”I mumbled, my face turning red from embarrassment. And the cut on my forehead.

“Come on. Let's get you cleaned up,”She urged, taking my hand. Preferring to not walk around all bloody and sure there was no way Brenda missed that, I agreed. Letting her lead me past everyone, I stared at the ground in embarrassment. Can I do anything right? Can I go one month without tripping over my own feet?

No. Apparently, no I cannot.

“Come on, love. Sit,”She said, leading me into her room. With her hand still in mine, she pointed me to her bed, a half smile on her face as she did.

Holding back a sigh, I did as she said. I mean I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Oh, lucky me.

At least it’s Sonya. I’d rather be hurt while with her than perfectly fine with anyone else. In a not so dramatic way of course.

“I’m sorry. I didn't hear you running,”She apologized, grabbing a first aid kit.

“I mean this isn't a surprise to anyone, is it?”I pointed out, giving a smile that I was sure came out more like a grimace.

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing. You know I’m just clumsy. Apparently, I always will be,”I shrugged, trying but failing to hide the disappointment in my voice.

“Yeah, but there's nothing wrong with that. It's just how you are,”She said simply, holding a rag to my head. Wincing for a moment, I let out a small sound of pain. “I’m sorry, love,”She sighed, keeping it there for a moment longer before checking. When it appeared alright, she unwrapped a gauze.

“It's not your fault you're dating a clutz,”I shrugged as she stuck the bandage to my forehead.

“Well, I happen to love this clutz of mine. Besides, that's the reason we met. If you hadn't tripped over the air, I wouldn't have been there to catch you, would I?”

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