Thomas One-shot (request pt.1)

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Hi guys. I know this is a preference book, but I got a special request for this Thomas one-shot. Thank you ThomasNewt27 for giving me this idea.

Thomas(The Safe Haven:Movie:His P.O.V)
The twins had been out of their absolute minds lately. I never would have thought three year olds could have so much energy.

"Logan, Luna, come on. It's bedtime,"Y/N called, picking up Luna. Logan tried to run past, but I swooped him up. Y/N had Luna on her shoulders as they both giggled like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Come on buddy. You two have a big day of causing chaos tomorrow,"I said, tickling his sides. He laughed, letting me know this probably wasn't the best idea. Plus, Y/N was giving me those eyes from across the room.

Y/N pulled Luna's covers over here as I did the same to Logan. They weren't any less rambunctious.

"Come on. You have your jammies, your teeth are brushed, and you're all nice and tucked in. What else do you need?"I asked them. They looked at each other and grinned.

"Story time,"They said in synce. Y/N was already looking through their books when I had a better idea.

"I've got this for tonight. You get your sleep,"I told her. She looked at me and gave me a grateful smile.

"Don't keep them up to late. You tend to get carried away,"She reminded me.
"I won't this time. I'll meet you in bed, okay?"

She kissed me cheek before shutting the door but made sure to leave it barely cracked.

"What's the story?"Luna asked.

"This story has everything your little hearts could wish for. Adventure, excitement, fear, love, and more."

"The whole sha-bang?"Logan asked.

"Yep buddy. The whole sha-bang."

They looked at each other with those sweet grins. Then, they eagerly sat up waiting for the story.

"It's a long story so you have to be quiet, alright?"I asked. They nodded their heads.

"Once upon a time the other Gladers, Aris, and I were being chased by evil people who called themselves WCKD. It took a lot of difficult decisions, but by some miracle we made it out. Now we were braving a place called the Scorch."

"The big desert place?"Luna asked.

"That's right. The big desert place.

Anyways, we were hiding from WCKD and the sand storm in an abandoned mall. We were all scrambling for a plan when we eventually we settled on..."

Right Arm. If they're really against WCKD maybe they can help us.
People? In the mountains? Mountain people? That's your plan?

"We settled on mountain people called Right Arm. This place was still a mystery, and we needed supplies. So we split up in groups. Someone called Newt made them. For once he made a terrible decision because he put me with Minho."

"Uncle Min-min?"Logan clarified.

"Yeah, Uncle Min-min. We were in a pitch black room with flashlights. There were random things thrown about the entire mall. Somehow, Minho found a generator. I suggested we flip it. Nothing bad happens with a little bit of light. Instead, we got scared by someone behind us. We jumped and turned around to see a stunning women with twins."

"Hey. We're twins,"Luna exclaimed. I nodded at my little girl's excitement.

"You are. That's because these twins were you, and the women holding you was your mom. All she said was don't touch them if you enjoy breathing. It was definitely quite a scare."

What? Who the shuck are you?
Me? I live here birdbrain. Who are you?
I'm not telling-
Hi, I'm Thomas.
Hello Thomas. I'm Y/N. Now, would you guys like help finding some things without dying?

"Why did mom warn you about the power thingy?"

"That power thingy we were so excited about would have woken up some very bad things called Cranks. She probably saved some lives that day."

"Did she look different?"Luna asked.
"In a few ways. She was scruffy from having to live out there, but she was still enchanting. She had those same big Y/E/C eyes, and messy Y/H/C hair she kept pulled back. She was still a dream inside and out."

"Was she smart too? And strong?"Logan kept asking.

"She was still the smartest and definitely strong. She kept you adorable little munchkins alive on her own. None of us had ever had to do that so it was quite an adjustment. Convincing everyone to let her come along was harder than we thought."

We don't even know if we can keep ourselves alive, and now you want some random girl with kids to join us. Are you losing it?
Exactly. She's a random girl with kids. Maybe they could get to see Right Arm. They could all live the lives they deserve. She also saved ours.
See what I mean? I trust her to.
Come on you two. You don't really think-
I can hear you all, you know? I got the hint.

"A few people were worried about the dangers we could face, but I wasn't going to let her go. She was coming with us whether the others liked it or not."

"Did Uncle Min-min at least want us to come?"Luna asked.

"He definitely did. He nearly got in a fist fight with Winston that day. While they were busy doing whatever insane thing that was I ran after you three. Your mom was already packing your bags."

Wait! Don't go yet.
Thomas, do you think I haven't heard this before? We can't possibly bring along someone with kids. We can't feed them. We don't know what to do because it's not like their mom would. It's not like their mom would keep risking her life for them. No, that's absolutely ridiculous.
Y/N, you're coming with us. Even if they try to fight it I'm making sure of it. You're all getting out of here.

"So how long until they let us come with you?"

"Not long at all. When they saw the way she made you both stop crying with some keys and a rope they finally realized she knew what she was doing. I never doubted her at all."

"Can you tell Winston we're mad at him for making Uncle Min-min want to fight him?"Logan asked. I ruffled his hair and nodded.

"I can do that for my little munchkins."

I glanced at the clock and saw how late it was getting. Despite their best efforts I could see their tired droopy eyes.

"You two need sleep. If you get plenty I'll tell you more of the story tomorrow,"I promised.

"There's more?"Luna asked.

"There's tons more. Now go to sleep, and I'll see you in the morning."

The twins yawned as I kissed their foreheads. Smiling at the way they were all tuckered out as I kept their door cracked and went to get some sleep of my own next to Y/N. The random girl I had met in the mall who I had instantly fallen in love with. No matter how hectic life got I would always have her and the twins.

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