You Kiss As Enemies-Part 2 (The Girls)

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Sonya(The Safe Haven:Either:Her P.O.V)
I know that she's trying to figure it out. My Rainy though, was never good with that. Emotions of any kind, good or bad, made her shut down. It's not really her fault, but it builds a wall between her and every other person.

"Sonya, you there?"Aris asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah,"I shrugged. He gave me a look that said he knew I was lying. "Kind of. It's just,"I trailed off.

"Y/N?"He finished for me.

"Yeah. Y/N,"I sighed, resting my chin on my hand as I bit the inside of my cheek to not go on about her. Aris was the victim of all my rants about her, about how desperately I just wanted to approach her but didn't know what to say.

"Come on. I know you want to talk about her,"He sighed.

"It's just that she didn't like it when that other girl called me little-miss-sunshine. I mean I didn't like it either, but she acted the way I would if someone dared call her Rainy. It's almost like she was jealous. If she was jealous that means she would have to feel at least half of what I do, but she doesn't open up so there's just no way for me to truly know. Not unless she tells me outright, but that can't happen if she doesn't know what she feels, and knowing her, she probably doesn't,"I said in one breath. Already used to it, he nodded as he took in my words.

"So we give her just a little push,"He suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we figure out just how much she likes you and what you say,"He whispered, gesturing for me to come closer. Cupping his hand to my ear, he told me his plan as if he had been thinking about it for a while. At each word I was more and more conflicted on if this was right. When he explained the outcome though, before pulling away, I took a moment to think about it. After going back and forth in my head, I agreed to his absolutely insane and amazing idea.

Harriet(The Spring:Either:Her P.O.V)
Y/N had left me standing there. Still, we absolutely had to talk about everything. I needed to know why she had run off after kissing me and also why she kissed me. I need to know if she felt what I did, whatever that was. I needed to know if things would go back to what they were or completely change.

She also didn't plan on doing that. She wouldn't even look me in the eye. Whenever I was near the snow on the ground became so fascinating. She wouldn't really speak to me either. It just seemed like she was speaking at me in a way. Like she heard my words but wouldn't acknowledge that it was me talking. Even though she did what she was supposed to now, the feelings overshadowed how nice that actually was.

So I had a plan. Maybe not an ethical one, but it was all I had. Even if she fought me on this, there was no escaping this time.

It took a lot of convincing, but eventually Sonya agreed to help. All I can do is hope that it won't make her hate me more, if she did. If not, then I just hope she doesn't pull away some more.

Hidden in the dark, I was in the corner with nothing but the setting sun to see. Taking a breath, when I heard her voice I held it.

"What is so important this late at night? Especially, in the slammer?"She pointed out.

"You'll see. It will only take a minute,"She lied.

Hearing their approaching footsteps, I held even more still than before, which was saying something. Making sure to avoid looking at me, she undid the locks and gestured for her to get in. With a sigh, she hopped down without a second thought.

Before she had time to change her mind Sonya slammed it shut and tied it before putting an extra lock. By the time Y/N realized what was happening, kind of, she had already run off.

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