You Realize You Like Them (The Guys)

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Thomas(The Safe Haven:Movie:Your P.O.V)
WCKD wasn't going to stop looking for us. They had made that pretty obvious a long time ago. They had also stolen my best friend, and now everything pissed me off.

"Y/N, are you even paying attention?"

"No Frypan. I'm focused on how great our lives are. Of course I'm paying attention,"I snapped.

"Hey, you're the one who looks like they don't care about anything going on."

"Excuse me?"I asked, gobsmacked.

"Yeah. Every time we talk about Minho you're over there in la-la land."

"Oh, shuck you Fry. This is my face all the time. If you have a problem too bad."

"Well, fix it because it never used to look like this."

"I wonder why. Oh yeah. We had Minho. We weren't going into a death trap to save him."

"Everyone cares too. You're not the only one who wants him back!"

"I never shucking said that so don't put any shucking words in my mouth!"

"Both of you stop it! You're not acting like children,"Vince yelled, slamming his fist on the table.

"We are! What's so hard to understand?! We were kids in that hell, and we're kids in this one!"

"I got lunch,"Thomas said, walking in. He looked back and forth at the tense scene before him. "What happened?"

"Nothing,"I snapped, shoving past him. The room was suffocating me. I felt like there was something sitting on my chest and refusing to let me breathe.

All I could feel was rage as I was in my room. There was nothing I could do to handle it so I resorted to the thing I had worked so hard to push past. As hard as I could I punched the wall over and over. I heard blood rushing to my ears and felt it dripping down my fist. I wanted to scream.

"Y/N, hey no!"Thomas yelled. I don't know when he came in, and I don't care. I needed to keep destroying the wall so I did.

"Stop,"He demanded, picking me up. I thrashed around in a desperate attempt to get hold out of his hold.

"Put me down! Thomas, put me down!"I demanded, kicking my legs. He didn't react to it.

"I'm not letting you go until you've calmed down."

"I am calm! This is me being calm!"

"No, this is you freaking out. Calm down."

"I'm trying, but I can't. I can't. I just can't,"I shrieked. Very gently he loosened his grip and set me down. I cried in his arms as he rocked me back and forth.

"It's okay. You're okay,"He coaxed, gently brushing back my hair.

"I want my friend back,"I cried.

"I know you do, but right now I need you to breathe. In and out,"He instructed. My every breath felt strained, but I tried to copy his.

It felt like hours, but after some time I was able to significantly calm myself. By that I mean Thomas had been there hugging me tightly until he was sure I was completely okay. He always made me feel better, and I think I know the reason for it.

Somehow in this horrific world I had fallen in love with Thomas.

Newt(The Scorch:Movie:Your P.O.V)
This place was just another hell. We were really great at ending up in those. We had barely escaped WCKD. They ended up giving me some memories I wish I could erase. Then, I hate myself from wanting to get rid of them.

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