They Realize They Like You (The Guys)

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Thomas(WCKD Facility:Movie:His P.O.V)
Life was supposed to be better now. We were all supposed to feel happier and safe. My friends did, but something about this place felt off. No matter how much I tried to convince them they'd look at me like I grew three heads. I couldn't talk to Y/N or Teresa about it because they had separated us.

"What do you think Thomas?"

"About what?"I asked.

"Have you listened to a word we've said?"Minho asked.

"Honestly, no. I zoned out,"I admitted.

"For half an hour?"Newt asked.

"I guess so,"I shrugged.

"We were asking . . . do you hear that?"He trailed off.
We listened, and there was rattling coming from under my bed. I glanced at them before checking the noise only for someone else to be staring back at me. I tried not to scream at the unexpectedness. Then, they pulled the vent out, and Y/N was casually lying there.

"Hey losers. How are you guys holding up?"She asked, smiling.

"What are you doing here?"Minho asked.

"Hello to you to slinthead. I just wanted to see you all, but if you want me to leave I guess I'll go,"She sighed.

"No come on,"I said, helped her up.

"Aren't you a gentleman? Tell me what's up with you guys. I didn't find my way here for nothing."

The entire time we talked she seemed completely relaxed. Every now and then she'd throw in a joke, but for the most part she just wanted to hear how we were. Every time we'd ask about her she'd brush us off. As desperate as I am to know how she's doing she's here now, and that's all that matters. They say you never realize what you have until it's gone, and I learned that statement was more than true.

As she talked and listened I took the time to look at her. I don't know how I never realized how beautiful her eyes are before today. It's just the way her eyes seemed to light up and her perfect smile. Just all of her is perfect.

I think I have a problem. I think I'm in love with Y/N.

Newt(The Glade:Either:His P.O.V)
Today everything that could go wrong had. The dog had been out of his mind, we ended up with one Med-jack, ten injured Builders, and seven people in the slammer. Then, Alby got sick so I had to step up. I ended up so busy I missed dinner, and now I wanted to be left alone.

"Newt, hey Newt,"Y/N called.

"What?"I snapped, turning on my heel to look at her. She had a shocked look on her face.

"I'm sorry Y/N. Today's just been rough,"I sighed. Her gaze softened.

"It's alright. I've seen the chaos. That's why I've saved you some food in the kitchen. I figured you wouldn't have time to eat."

"How'd you know?"I asked.

"You've done it before. With everything going on I had a feeling it would happen again."

How had she noticed that? I don't even remember doing that.

"Earth to Newt. Do you want some or not? I saved it in the kitchen,"She repeated, waving her hand in my face.

"Oh, um, yeah. That'd be, yeah."

"Then, follow me,"She said, ignoring my terrible stuttering.

"Wait out here. You know non-cooks aren't allowed in the kitchen,"She instructed, with a kind smile. How had I never noticed how nice it was before?

"All clear,"She whispered, poking her head out the door. I followed her in the kitchen.

"I made sure to specifically save the stew. I know it's your favorite,"She said, handing me a bowl. I scarfed it down.

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