You Die (Everyone)

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Thomas(WCKD Facility:Movie:His P.O.V)
I had a bad feeling about these people from day one. Something about them just felt off and unsettling. Especially, when it came to Janson.

When Y/N's name was called for some sort of 'Safe Zone' it only intensified. I did everything to see where they were taking her, but it was hopeless. Seeing the way she looked back at me with terrified eyes would forever haunt my dreams.

Now I was standing in a room full of the kids that had been called. I kept telling myself that by some miracle she had done the impossible and escaped, that she was safe.

Deep down I knew it was a foolish thought. Still, I frantically scanned the room to prove to myself that she wasn't here.

Then, as I walked down the aisle, I saw the one thing I had been begging not to. She was hung from the ceiling with her eyes shut, and some sort of mask over her face. The only sound was heavy breathing seeming to be caused by it.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry,"I repeated, not having the ability to say anything else. She wasn't even dead, but there was no was way she was truly alive. I think that's worse.

"Y/N,"I whispered, touching a strand of her hair as it hung in front of her face. She remained limp. I would never see her any other way now. I would never see her bright smile, her kind eyes, or see her live a beautiful life. She was gone.

"I'm going to kill everyone that did this. Every. Last. One,"I promised. It was the only thing I could truly do for her, but even then, it didn't feel like enough.

Because it isn't. As long as she's dead nothing will ever be enough.

Newt(The Glade: Either:His P.O.V)
"No. She'll get out. She's going to be fine,"I said to myself as I stared at the doors. All day I had been waiting for someone to come out and tell me that they had found Y/N. Maybe she'd be hurt, but she'd be alive. I just have to wait. If I was patient enough it would all pay off.

"Newt, maybe you should come try to eat some lunch,"Zart suggested. I just shook in head as I kept staring at the doors. He sighed before walking away.

♡ Time Skip♡

All day people had been trying to get me to leave my spot. Everytime I refused. Waiting was more important than anything else. To be more specific she was is more important than anything else.

"Newt, do you think it's time to move from here?"Alby tried to suggest.

"I'll move when I see Y/N,"I explained, still sitting there. Despite the growing hunger and thirst I meant my words. Finally realizing this Alby also sighed before walking away.

Hours late Minho came out of the Maze. I sprinted towards him for the news that had to be true. She couldn't be . . . gone.

"Did you find her?"I asked. He just stared at the ground before nodding. "Well? Where is she? Is she hurt? Is she okay?"I questioned.

"She's dead Newt,"He whispered. Without even realizing it I was shaking my head no. It couldn't be true. She couldn't be dead.

"No,"I denied as if he would ever lie about this.

"It's true Newt. She's dead,"He repeated.

"No, no, no, no. That's not true. She's okay,"I denied.

"It's not true. She's alive! She's fine!"I yelled, still not believing it.

"I'm sorry,"He whispered, placing a hand on m shoulder. I just froze as I stared at the Maze.

She had been my running partner every time. She sat next to me at every meal. She hadn't left my side when I got my limp. She made sure I was up and safe every morning. She was next to me at every Greenie night. She couldn't be gone.

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