How they would get you a Christmas gift (Everyone)

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-Keeps changing his mind

-Buys and returns until the cashiers know his face by heart

-Gets distracted by random things while Christmas shopping, but he finds the perfect thing eventually

-Asks people several times if they think it's good to the point where it's almost annoying

-Struggles with the wrapping but refuses to ask for help

-It's all worth it when he sees you smile when you get it

-Did all of his Christmas shopping early

-Has it perfectly wrapped

-Has an entire internal list of why you'll (hopefully) like it but is still a bit nervous

-You always adore it

-Doesn't know how to just get you one thing

-Usually puts it in a bag because he's barely awake by the time he's finished

-R.I.P his bank account

-Makes you something with his own hands (It's the Builder in him)

-It usually has some double, sentimental meaning

-Gets defensive if anyone questions him about it or tries to find out what it is

Aris Jones
-Has to hype himself up to give it to you

-Gets nervous you won't like it and watches your reaction closely

-Is more than happy when you inevitably love it

-Secretly looked looked at your Amazon account, but you couldn't torture that information out of her

-Has found out what you're getting her a few times

-You're still amazed that she always knows exactly what to get you

-Is subtle about asking what peeks your interest

-Pays extra close attention to what you're into when the holidays are coming up

-Has a handmade card to go with it

-Is blunt on asking what you want so she knows you'll like whatever she gets you

-If you give vague answers she'll stare at items online for absolute hours

-After she looked half dead one year because she had been looking at a screen you just started telling her what you want because you felt bad

Teresa Agnes
-Makes a list of everything you like


-Once she has an item in mind she won't stop until she has it

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