Someone Thinks You're a Couple Before Dating (The Girls)

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Brenda(The Scorch:Movie:Her P.O.V)
I was more than grateful to be on my way to the Safe Haven. After waking up bond in ropes while coming off of mystery drugs I just wanted to somewhere safe. Preferably, somewhere I don't risk getting sold.

"Did you have a grand old time?"Y/N asked sarcastically, beaming at me with her bright smile as she did.

"It was great. There's no better way to spend your day then unconscious,"I played along.

"I am so jealous. That just sounds like a dream,"She responded, giving a dramatic sigh.

"Ah yes. It's such a shame you missed out,"I continued, nudging her. She rolled her eyes before resting her elbow on my shoulder.

"How do you even have time for that out here?"One of them, I believe his name is Frypan, asked.

"Time for what?"I asked, leaning closer against her.

"That,"He repeated.

"What even is-"
"He's wondering how you had time to fall in love when you're probably always close to dying,"Newt interrupted her. We just looked at each other confused.

"We're not together,"I explained.
"Really? Her head is literally on your shoulder,"He pointed out as if we didn't know.

"Yeah. We're close. We're practically family,"Y/N shrugged.

"Like wife and wife?"Frypan continued. I just ignored it as she traced little shapes into my hand. It's something that calms her down and just a small gesture of affection that makes me smile each time she does it.

"I don't think they're official . . . yet,"Newt trailed off. I rolled my eyes at the ridiculousness of that. There was nothing romantic in-between us.

At least, not that anyone is willing to admit.

Sonya(The Spring:Either:Her P.O.V)
I felt someone come and hug me from behind. I didn't even have to ask who. Only Y/N gives me hugs like that.

"Good morning Sonnie,"She greeted, taking a seat next to me.

"Good morning sunshine. You look pretty today,"I complimented, looking at the way she pulled her hair back for her run. She just playfully rolled her eyes and grinned at me.

"You say that everyday,"She pointed out.

"That's just because it's true everyday,"I shrugged.

"Aw. You two are cute,"Blondie commented, sitting across from us. Y/N's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You're a cute couple,"She responded, looking in-between us. I turned bright red, and Y/N stared at the ground in embarrassment. At least, I'm hoping that's all it was, just her being flustered.

"We're not dating. We don't like each other that way,"She explained. Except, it wasn't exactly like that. No matter what she says, what she does, I am horribly in love with her.

"Oh. My bad,"Blondie shrugged, pleased with that answered. I couldn't help but gaze at Y/N as one question ran through my mind.

Why couldn't she just feel the same?

Harriet(The Safe Haven:Either:Your P.O.V)
I was sitting next to Harriet as everyone else was hanging around the bonfire. It's much nicer to be in the back with a few people you care about than be surrounded by a bunch of people you don't. That's why it was just our same group. Harriet, me, Sonya, and Aris.

"Do you think he'll ever lose one day?"Sonya asked, referring to Gally in the middle of the fight ring.

"I hope so. It'd just be funny to see,"I shrugged, laying my head in Harriet's lap. She absentmindedly ran her hands through my hair causing me to smile.

"Ouch. You could have at least told us,"Sonya commented.

"Told you what?"I asked, not bothering to move from my spot. Besides, the world felt perfect like this, and I'd rather not ruin that feeling.

"You could have at least told your best friends you're together,"Aris added. I just rolled my eyes.

"If we were together don't you think you two would be the first to know?"I pointed out.

"Yes. So why didn't you?"Sonya asked.

"Because we're not,"Harriet shrugged, still playing with my hair.

"Really? You guys definitely act like you are,"Aris responded.

"What makes you say that?"I questioned. They gave us a duh look.

"It seems like every interaction you two have seems the furthest thing from platonic. Your head is currently is in her lap, and she is playing with your hair. That doesn't seem the slightest bit romantic to you two?"Sonya asked.

"Maybe to others but not to us,"I shrugged.

"So neither of you see each other as more than friends at all?"

"We're just friends,"I answered, averting my gaze from Harriet. I know that wasn't what was asked, but I don't want her to know the actual answer. At least, not until I figure out what to do.

How do you tell your best friend you've always been in love with them?

Teresa Agnes(The Scorch:Movie:Your P.O.V)
Teresa and I were practically destined to be close. We came up in the box together. The difference was I ended up being awake while she was in a coma.

For some reason I felt the need to protect her. The only thing I knew was that I wouldn't let anyone come near her.

When she woke up I was working in the gardens. She started throwing everything she could at the boys. She didn't stop until I started speaking. I came up, and we started talking.

We were now inseparable. From the Glade, to WCKD, to the Scorch, we were glued by the hip.

"It's going to be okay. No matter what happens I'll look after you,"I promised, seeing the worry on her face she had been hiding.

It has always been like that. No matter how well we hid it we could see right through each other. Even when nobody else could there was nothing we could hide from one another.

"Yeah. I know,"She shrugged, placing her hand in mine. I couldn't help but smile as she intertwined our fingers.

"Careful now. If you show off any harder Thomas might just explode,"Minho commented. We looked at him confused as to what he meant.

"You know? Show off your love,"He added, looking at us expectantly. I looked at the ground as a blush spread across my face.

"We're not together,"Teresa explained. Minho crossed his arms, clearly still unconvinced.

"Mhm. We're not dating,"I managed to get out. Minho just gave an exasperated sigh.

"Denial is such an irritating thing."

"There's nothing to deny,"Teresa shrugged.

"Technically, I didn't ask if you were dating. I pointed out that you two are clearly in love,"He reminded us. I didn't have it in me to say anything.

Despite what anyone thinks it wasn't from embarrassment. It was because no matter what he was right. If only that love wasn't so one sided.

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