Your First Kiss (The Guys)

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Thomas(The Scorch:Either:Your P.O.V)
I don't really know how I ended up here. In a matter of days we went from the Glade, to a safe place, to finding out that place wasn't actually safe, to a desert with things that killed anything that moved. Didn't we have such great luck?

That's why I always talk to everyone here, especially Aris. We were both the first outcasts in our Mazes so we understood the things that came with it. His was worse with the girls wanting to kill him and all. I just got those untrustworthy glares. In fact, I had been there for half a year until I was allowed to carve my name in the wall. By then I didn't even want to, and he knew exactly what that felt like.

"I can't believe they thought you of all people was a threat."

"I can't believe any of them could ever be mean to you. You're always so nice to everyone."

"It wasn't everyone. At least, Gally didn't want to murder me with the last two Greenie's,"I shrugged.

"Greenie's?"He asked.

"That's what we called our Blondie's,"I explained.

"Hey guys. What are we talking about?"Thomas asked, slinging an arm around me.

"The different slangs,"I answered.

"Glader slang is still the best,"He remarked.

"Duh. Ours actually made sense. How are you going to call a place always snowing the Spring?"I asked.

"Yep. I'm just gonna, uh, go,"Aris said, giving an awkward laugh.

"I wonder what his deal is?"

"I have no clue,"Thomas shrugged.

"I wonder if it has anything to do with the way you were glaring him,"I said casually. He froze for a split second. "Your jealousy was so obvious. You should try to do better,"I told him. "Then again I'm sure that's hard to do when you obviously like someone,"I added.

"What? No, that's just, no,"He tried to convince me.

"Really? So you don't want me to kiss you? That sounds like-"

I was cut off by his lips on mine. I couldn't think properly, and I didn't want to. All I would ever need was him, his lips against mine, and this moment.

"Hey shanks. You mind doing that when we don't have a chance of dying?"Minho yelled.

"Actually I do,"I said, before kissing him again. He should definitely get jealous more often.

Newt(The Safe Haven:Movie:Your P.O.V)
Naturally, everyone at the Safe Haven had been losing their mind. How could they not? Several of our friends were taken. Minho was on the Gladers minds the most, but I even missed Sonya and Aris. I didn't even know them that well, but we had all survived hell. Aris was even with us for it.

"Hey love. Can I sit?"Newt asked, pointing at my cot. I shrugged, and he took a seat next to me.

"We're going to get him back. Our new friends too,"He reassured me.

"I know, but I don't know. I can't explain it."

"You mean you're mostly sure, but you have doubts you don't want to admit?"He asked, hitting the nail on the head. I put my hands on my knees and nodded. "We've been planning this for three months now. Just give it a little more time,"He said, taking my hand in his. I nodded again as he traced circles in the middle of my palm.

"Everything will be alright love. I swear it,"He whispered, still tracing little shapes. His circles switched to hearts making my face burn.

"No matter what happens I'll be there. I'll protect you like my life depends on it,"He whispered.

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