What They're Like Drunk (Everyone)

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-He would somehow be even more impulsive with his decisions

-"Hey Y/N! Do you think I could do a backflip off the watchtower?"

-At least the non life-threatening stuff is funny

-He doesn't get drunk often, but when he does he goes hard

-His filter just vanishes

-If someone pissed him off (Gally) he'd start an argument


-He's usually counted on to be responsible so there's a lot of pressure on him

-That's why he takes full advantage of Greenie night

-There are two ways it could go

-Number one is him being more carefree

-Number two is him feeling hopeless again, especially if his limp was worse that day

-During those times it's best to find a quiet place and let him talk

-If he doesn't want to talk just being near someone he cares about can help


-His sass level would be way worse

-Same with his confidence. It's borderline dangerous

-"I could take anyone in a fight. Watch me go fight Gally."

-Spoiler alert, he never wins

-Like Thomas he doesn't drink often, but when he does he goes hard

-He always forgets half the night the next day

-There are so many stories you tell him, and the best part is he has no idea if they're true


-He finds a quiet place to chill

-Every person annoys him so it's best to leave him alone. If not he'll cuss them out.

-Sometimes you're an exception, but it depends on the day and how far gone he is

-If his day sucked just leave him alone for your own sake

-If his day was good he'd have no problem talking with you as long as there aren't to many people around

Aris Jones

-He isn't usually one for drinking, but it happens to the best of us

-He'd usually find one person to ramble to (99% of the time it's you) and just talk about random stuff for a while

-He would definitely believe anything you told him

-"Hey Aris. Did you know the sky is always red?"

-"No. How did I not know that?"

-He's a bit clingy, but it's Aris so it's fine


-She'd be more confrontational with people

-She's already fine with putting people in their place, but when she's drunk there's no holding back

-"No one cares what they did last week. Shut up, and stop acting like a toddler."

-When everyone's alright she's pretty chill

-Sometimes she'll open up about more personal things


-She'd be a happier drunk

-She would laugh at the dumbest and most random things

-She would also ask very confusing questions making you feel drunk

-"How much of the sky have we actually seen? We can't have seen all of it, right?"

-It'd be hilarious to watch

-She'd be dead asleep in the first hour


-She's in no way a light-weight so it takes a lot for her to get drunk

-She's usually very quiet, and if you were far enough you'd think she was sulking

-In reality, she's thinking about things that have happened and asking why

-Sometimes she just wants to talk to you about everything

-Other times she just doesn't want to think about it and distracts herself

Teresa Agnes

-She hates the feeling of not being in control of her own actions

-Sometimes though, it just happens

-She usually seems fine, but she's very quiet and deep in thought

-She can do a total 180 if someone she doesn't like tries to talk to her

-"No Gally. I don't want to watch you pummel some poor kid to the ground."

-She'd start questioning her morals and she'd hate it

-That's why she avoids it as much as possible

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