You Say Their Name In Your Sleep (The Guys)

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Thomas(The Scorch:Either:His P.O.V)
I looked down at Y/N who was struggling to keep her eyes open. Being in the Scorch meant a lot of running from deadly things. That's why we have two people watch over the camp every night.

The small fire cackled across from us. She kept her head on her chin as she seemed to grow more and more worn out.

"You're falling asleep on me. Are you okay?"I asked.

"I'm fine,"She nodded, yawning as she did. She ran a hand through her hair before rubbing her eyes.

"Don't worry Thomas. I'm not leaving you out here alone,"She tried to assure me, though the bags under her eyes said otherwise.

"What if you get some rest? We can switch off later,"I offered.

"I can't be asleep if something happens to you. I have to be up,"She argued. Despite her words it was clear she needed some sleep.

"I promise to wake you up if something happens. Just please get some rest,"I pleaded.

"Are you sure?"She asked, her eyes already involuntarily fluttering shut.

"I'm sure,"I promised. She still looked worried and as I was about to say something else she rested her head on my shoulder. Her breathing seemed to become steadier as she did.

"I told you you needed some sleep,"I remarked.

"Thomas,"She murmered.

"Yeah?"I asked, not moving from my position. Why would I when she's finally getting some shut eye?

"Yeah?"I asked again after she stopped talking. It was then that I realized she had completely relaxed against me. She was dead asleep. Even better she was dead asleep while saying my name.

"Sweet dreams,"I whispered, gently running my fingers through her hair. A small yet perfect smile made its way to her face causing me to grin wider than I ever thought possible. Even in this hectic and terrifying world beautiful moments like this made everything worth it.

Newt(The Glade:Either:His P.O.V)
Y/N was always full of energy, and today was no different. Her bubbly personality made it impossible not to smile. There's just something about her that makes you feel better.

"Good morning Newt. Did you sleep well?"She asked, sitting a few feet away from me.

"I did, but what are you out doing here? It's your day off,"I reminded her.

"It is, but I wanted to see if you'd like a hand,"She shrugged.

As kind as that was it kind of worried me.

"Are you sure? A little rest never killed anyone,"I pointed out.

"Neither did a little bit of help. Besides, I like spending time with you. Now, what can I do?"She repeated.

I debated whether I should say nothing or actually let her help. Then again if I said no she'd just go find someone else who needed something. Plus, it wasn't like I'd ever pass up an opportunity to spend time with her.

"Could you help with the grapes?"I asked.
"You got it Newt."

♡ Time Skip♡

We had spent the day side by side. By dinner my face was sore from smiling so much.

Even though that was great I could tell she was worn out. I also knew she wasn't going to admit it. She was just stubborn like that.

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