You Say Their Name In Your Sleep (The Girls)

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Brenda(The Safe Haven:Either:Her P.O.V)
Y/N was never someone who showed much affection or just emotion in general. It's just not her strong suit. She has a poker face 24/7. If you don't know her very well it's easy to assume she hates you. However, you shouldn't think you're that special. Besides, people are generally afraid of her.

She's not even close to being someone to fear. She just doesn't know how to really show when she cares about someone.

That's why people avoid her, and she'll never admit it, but I know I hurts her.

"Oh, please. I don't care what what anyone thinks of me. They could think I'm a serial killer for all I care,"She scoffed. It was a convincing lie. If I didn't know she stares at the ground when she's lying I would believe her.

"Mhm,"I responded

"Oh shove off. I'm not in the mood to talk about feelings,"She said, her eyes betraying her words. "I'm going to my hut,"She added.

Her stubbornness could seem irritating, but it wasn't unreasonable. Besides, there are worse things to have in life than an attitude.

♡ Time Skip♡

"Can someone go tell Y/N it's time for lunch?"Vince asked.

"Not it,"a few people said quickly. One cold glare from me made them shrink in a second.

"I'll get her. After all, someone has to treat her like a person,"I spat. I just don't get why they treat her like some kind of monster to be scared of. They don't even know her.

I made sure to try to push these thoughts out of my mind as I went to get her.

"Y/N, it's lunch time,"I called, knocking on her door. Nobody answered. "Y/N? Are you okay?"I asked, knocking a little louder. As I I did the force combined with the weak wood opened the door.

"Y/N, it's-"I started before stopping mid-sentence. She was in a deep sleep with the blanket not even covering her all the way. I went to pull it over her when she mumbled something. Despite this her eyes were still closed.

"Brenda,"She said again. She was sleep talking.

"My secret softie,"I whispered to avoid waking her as I pulled the covers over her shivering body. She didn't move. Well, she did, but it was because the ghost of a smile crossed her face.

"You're okay. No matter what happens you'll always be loved by me,"I promised, and I never break my promises. Especially, when it comes to her.

Sonya(The Safe Haven:Either:Her P.O.V)
We did it. After years of struggling we made it to the Safe Haven. It was better than anything you can imagine. We were able to do more than survive. We were finally able to live.

"Do you ever feel like this is a dream?"Y/N asked, dangling her feet over the ocean.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you ever think one day you're going to wake up back in the Spring? Like maybe your mind is playing a messed up joke?"She whispered.

"Not really. We've fought too hard for this to be a fantasy,"I said gently yet firmly.

"Okay,"She shrugged, clearly wanting to say more.

"Is something wrong?"

"I just don't get it. Everyone else seems so sure this is all real. They're just walking around without a care in the world, and I don't know how to do that,"She admitted.

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