You Share A Kiss As Enemies-Part 3 (Newt, Minho, Gally, Aris)

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Newt(The Glade:Either:Your P.O.V)

Newt is genuinely the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. He's still his sweet, sociable self, but he doesn't try to make me act the same way. He doesn't make me try to talk to the Glader's, make friends, or change me. He likes me for me, and that's a special thing.

I didn't have a doubt that we were perfect together. Plus, everyone was still just as kind to him as they used to be.

Or so I thought. I wasn't eavesdropping. Alby requested that I put the Greenie in the pit because he wouldn't stop panicking. After that I kind of just needed to clear my head. Greenie's are always irritating.

As I was coming out of the Deadheads I heard my name in the garden. Normally, I wouldn't care, but then I heard Newt's voice. Now I'm here.

"Come on Newt. She's using you. She's always up to some kind of trouble so if she dates the second-in-command she knows you'll go easy on her,"Someone debated.

"No. She's not. I already told you to drop it. She likes me, and I like her. Why is that so hard to understand?"

If he's already said to drop it then this isn't the first time he's had a conversation like this.

"If she really likes you why don't we ever see you two hanging out?"

"Because we hang out when not many people are around."

"Why won't she try and talk to your friends?"

"So because she's dating me she has to change her personality and become someone she's not? Is that what you're saying?"He snapped.

"No, but come on. Now you're acting just like her."

"No. I'm defending my girlfriend. You don't have to understand our relationship. You don't even have to like it, but I won't just let you try and make it seem like it's fake. I shouldn't have to justify why she's so great, but seeing as you won't drop it I may as well. She's always there in the mornings when nobody else is. She sits with me at the Deadheads, and it never feels like we have enough time. She's there to be blunt if she has to. If she sees that someone's treating me like klunk guess who points it out so I don't deal with it? She does. She makes me laugh, and no matter what she refuses to change for anyone. She doesn't try and solve my problems. She's there for comfort and support. Just because nobody sees that side of her doesn't mean it's not there. So don't think that because we're opposites we're not soulmates. Got that?"

I couldn't help but smile as I listened to his words. Like always he's there to help even when I don't know it.

I made the right choice when I let him in. In fact, I don't think anyone in the world could ever make a better choice than choosing Newt.

Minho(The Glade:Either:His P.O.V)
I personally have had a great time annoying Y/N in the maze. In fact, I've been putting her down as my running partner so much that Newt pulled me aside just to ask what was going on.

"Nothing,"I shrugged.

"Minho, she hates you with a passion. Are you doing this to mess with her? Are you just so bored you're looking for a fight?"He interegated.

"Why do you assume there's a motive?"I asked.

"Maybe because the schedule has been with you two paired up for two weeks now."

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