Your First Kiss (The Girls)

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Brenda(The Scorch:Either:Your P.O.V)
I've known Brenda for pretty much my entire life. We've gone through the worst things you can imagine, and we did it together. After nearly losing her one day I realized I'm in love with my best friend. Since then I've been avoiding her as much as possible.

"Y/N, we're going to look for supplies today. Meet us outside in five minutes,"Brenda called. I could have sworn we had just gathered some last week but didn't question her. Things around here are rather unpredictable.

I grabbed my backpack and tossed it over my shoulder. Hopefully, this trip would be quick. I needed to get back to pretending nothing was wrong.

"I'm here,"I said, meeting her outside the building. Jorge has yet to show up. I needed him here like five seconds ago.

"He's not coming,"She shrugged.
"Is he sick?"I asked.
"No. I lied to you,"She shrugged again.
"You did what now?"I asked quickly.
"You've been avoiding me for weeks now. I want to know why."

Damnit. Why does she have to know me so well?

"What? That's crazy,"I lied. She raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Why would I ever avoid you? Pft, that's just insane."

"You know what else is insane? You believing I would fall for it. Spill."

"You really don't want to know,"I argued.
"I beg to differ."
"You really don't Brenda."

"I swear Y/N. If you don't tell me right now I'm going to lose my mind,"She basically threatened. I can't really tell.
"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to lose your mind because I'm not saying another word,"I said, walking off. Before I could she was in front of me and pushed me against a wall.

"You can't ignore me for no reason. That's not how this works. You are going to tell me what happened,"She demanded. My mind went all fuzzy. The girl I liked, maybe even loved, had me shoved against a wall. Sure, she was probably threatening me, but do I have to repeat myself?

"Well?"She asked.
"I don't know how to tell you why I've been avoiding you,"I admitted.
"Then, what?"She asked.
"I'm going to show you instead."

With that I was kissing her. She wasn't even caught off guard as she kissed back running her hands through my hair. This moment almost didn't feel real, but it was. I was here, and she was kissing me. The one thing I could ever want had just happened, and I never wanted it to stop.

Sonya(WCKD Train:Movie:Your P.O.V)
Sonya was my everything. She was my best friend, my lifeline, and the girl who loved me just as deeply. I'd only just told her when WCKD took her away. When I heard the way the Glader's or whatever they called themselves talked about needing Minho back I completely lost it, demanding we make a plan to save Sonya. Aris too. I refused to only let them get their friend back. I needed my friend back, and I needed my sunshine.

I ended up scaring the hell out of them so we started three rescue missions. One of them dared to suggest we save them one at a time. I scowled at the boy, and he quickly shut his trap.

"Remember. We're finding them all,"I reminded the group.
"You've told us already,"Thomas sighed.
"Yeah, because I don't trust you guys not to leave them behind. I thought we had established this?"I asked, annoyed at his attitude.
"We're not leaving anyone behind. Now stop arguing. We have a rescue mission,"Newt scolded. With that we were all back to focusing on what mattered.

"Everyone remember their part?"Vince asked. I nodded, more than eager to get my friend back, and especially my girl.

"Move out,"He instructed. With that I jumped out of the car as someone stopped the train. As Thomas banged on one side of the train I was running on the other. We banged on every single cart as we screamed their names.

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