Someone Thinks You're a Couple Before Dating (The Guys)

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Thomas(WCKD Facility:Movie:Your P.O.V)
This place was interesting to say the least. We had finally been rescued from the Glade, and now we were in a cafeteria with tons of other kids.

It was even weirder, at least to me, that word about people here seemed to travel fast. By my second day I learned about some kid that was the only boy in a Maze full of girls, and everyone seemed to know I was the only girl for years in a Maze full of guys.

"What do you think about this place Thomas?"I asked as I took an apple slice from his plate. He didn't say anything about it.
"I'm not sure yet,"He shrugged, taking an orange slice off of mine. I didn't say anything about it. We both do that and pretend we don't notice.

"Hey. You're Y/N right?"A kid I hadn't seen before asked.
"Nope,"I lied for no real reason. After watching his disappointed face I told him the truth.

"Why?"I asked.
"I'm Tyler,"He said, completely ignoring my question.

"That's not what she asked though,"Thomas pointed out. I kept trying to see if I could figure out anything about the kid as I took another apple slice.

"I just like knowing things about people,"He shrugged. That seemed a bit weird and like it could turn stalkerish, but I didn't say anything more.

"That's why I had a question for you two,"He continued. I just kept wondering why he was so nosy.

"What is it?"Thomas questioned.
"I know you were the last guy in the Glade."

This was definitely getting stalkerish. Something about Tyler made me uncomfortable, and I haven't even known him for ten minutes.

"If you were the last guy, but you've been there for years how did you even became a couple?"

"Yeah. You have to leave,"I responded, waving him off.
"Do I need to spell it out? L-E-A-"
"Okay. I got the message. I was just curious,"He said, walking away and muttering under his breath. I don't like him whatsoever.

"That was weird,"Thomas remarked.
"Yeah. What do we even do that makes us look like a couple?"I asked as I took a sip of his milk.
"No clue,"He shrugged, drinking my water.

"You two are morons if you don't see it,"Minho mumbled, shaking his head.
"What?"Thomas and I asked at the same time.
"They'll figure it out eventually,"Newt told him. I looked at Thomas to see if he had any clue what they were talking about, and he shrugged. I still couldn't figure it out. Sharing food, occasionally holding hands, and making sure to sit by each other didn't mean we were together.

Even if deep down I think I may have wanted it to.

Newt(The Safe Haven:Movie:Your P.O.V)
Everything that had just happened was unbelievable. For a minute I was doubting if there was even a Safe Haven. Now we were actually here, and Aris and I were reunited with our friends.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay, and that you didn't shoot us,"I said, pulling away from my friends.
"We're pretty glad we didn't shoot you guys too,"Harriet nodded.

"Uh, what's happening?"Minho asked.
"We were in the Maze together,"Aris explained, smiling wider than I've ever seen. None of us were any better.

"I can't believe you guys are here. We've got some major catching up to do,"Sonya said.
"You have no idea."

♡ Time Skip♡

We had been with them for three hours and still had hardly scratched the surface of everything that happened. About an hour in Newt had joined us. The four of us were just sitting around a fire.

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