They Accidentally Hurt You (The Boys)

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Thomas(The Safe Haven:Either:Your P.O.V)
I fully believe that cooking can be for anyone.

Anyone but Thomas.

Yet here I was, teaching him how to fry fish. Of course I taught him what to do if there was a grease fire first, but now I was sure that it couldn't possibly be too bad.

“I think you're being a little dramatic. I’m doing great,”He insisted, as I stood to the side of him.

“You almost set the kitchen on fire last time you tried to make something. You're not even supposed to be in here,”I reminded him.

“Nope, but you let me because you love me,”He shrugged.

“I do, but I am still deeply afraid that you're going to be the reason we need a new kitchen,”I admitted.

“Relax. I’ve got this,”He reassured me with his head held high. Daring to get just a little closer without suffocating him, I reminded myself that I have complete and total faith in him. Still I took a breath to keep myself calm as he was quick with his movements to flip the fish.

Too quick as he knocked the entire pan to the ground. With his reflexes being absolutely brilliant, he jumped back just in time.

Me? I was just a second too slow as it splashed a little bit on my bare legs. Why the hell did I pick today to wear shorts?

“I'm sorry, I’m sorry. I just reacted,”He quickly apologized, wetting a rag nearby.

“It's fine,”I insisted, still wincing as I closed my eyes for a moment.

“I’m sorry,”He repeated.

“Just clean it up, and we’ll be all good,”I assured him.

“Yeah, but first,”He started as I hopped on the counter. Gently brushing the rag over my skin, he dabbed all the oil off before keeping the cold rag on me, bringing relief to injury. “Is that a little better?”

“Yeah. Good as new,”I shrugged.


“But you're still cleaning this up when it cools down,”I said firmly.

“Awe man.”

Newt(The Glade:Book:His P.O.V)
I’ll admit it. I’ve been in a mood since I had to become a Track-hoe. I mean come on. You try to jump off a wall one time, and suddenly you're not allowed near them?

I was pissed. Absolutely pissed. Alby shouldn't even have been in the bugging Maze. I mean yes, it was because he had a feeling I was going to pull something, and he was right, but that's not the point.

Y/N was the one teaching me all the stuff that I needed to know. If I’m being totally honest, I was only half listening to her. I was just so done with everything that whenever anyone spoke to me their words went in one ear and out the other. It didn't help that nobody knew exactly why I got a limp that forced me to do this job. I mean sure. She seems to be doing her best to make me feel better about it, but I’m barely happy when I wake up in the morning, much less with being demoted. This was just so humiliating.

“Newt? Hello?”She repeated, waving her hand in front of my face.


“I was asking if you knew what to do,”She shrugged, wearing a small, genuine smile. I hate that. I hate that she's so happy. I hate that she's so normal. I hate that she’ll never know that she's with someone who isn't. How can she just sit there practically glowing while being with someone who's so upset and also so good and hiding it? I mean-
“Are you okay?”She asked, putting her hand on my shoulder.

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