They Realize They Like You (The Girls)

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Brenda(The Safe Haven:Movie:Her P.O.V)
Life was supposed to be okay now. I was at the Safe Haven. I was cured from being a crank, but now we were still in danger. We were supposed to be safe and protected. Instead, we were planning a rescue mission because someone just had to betray us.

"Hey Brenda. Is it okay is I sit here?"Y/N asked.

"Sure,"I shrugged, moving over. She plopped down and offered me her bread. "I'm alright,"I declined.

"You never pass up bread. What's on your mind?"She asked.

I thought about it for a second. She already had a lot on her plate, and I didn't want to add more.

"Come on. I can see those gears turning in your head. Spill,"She pushed.

"It's everything really. This is called the Safe Haven, and now we're on a rescue mission. Just once in my life I want to feel comfort. Instead, I'm . . . scared,"I admitted.

She looked at me and nodded before hugging me. I was caught off guard, but nevertheless I hugged back.

"One day you will be safe. We all will,"She promised.

"How do you know?"I asked.

"Because we have you to help us on this mission. You're going to do whatever it takes because that's who you are. Just remember that,"She reassured me. If this was anyone else they would be empty words, but with her it was different. It always was.

"I'm going to get some water. Do you want anything while I'm up?"She offered.

"No, but thank you for that, and thank you for listening."

"Any time Brenda. If you need me I'm here."

Out of everyone here she was my favorite. She was the best person I've ever known. I always want to be around her. I feel like I can always talk to her. Every time I see her my breathing gets all shaky, and I want to hold her hand.

Damnit. I know exactly what this is. I'm in love with Y/N, but can you blame me? I'll give you the short answer. No, but I do need to figure out what the hell I'm going to do now.

Sonya(The Spring:Either:Her P.O.V)
The Spring was always freezing. No matter what there was snow on the ground and ice on the trees. For the first week here I was convinced I was going to turn blue. I'm used to it now, but that doesn't mean I enjoy it.

"Hey Sonya,"Y/N greeted.

"Good morning Y/N. How'd you sleep?"I asked.

"Not too bad. Are you coming to Blondie night?"

"Of course. Anything to be around a fire."

"I hear you. I should probably head in the Maze. See you then."

"Stay safe out there,"I called as she left. She turned around and gave me a thumbs up before going to get her skates. With that I got ready to head to the gardens.

Time Skip♡

As always Blondie night was going alright. Plenty of people were still going to wake up with a headache and some bruises though.

"Hi Sonnie,"Y/N said, hugging me from behind.

"What's up?"I asked as she sat down.

"Nothing. Everyone's drunk, and I'm bored so I went to find you,"She shrugged.

"You're not going to join them?"

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