You Kiss As Enemies-Part 3 (The Girls)

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Sonya(The Safe Haven:Either:Your P.O.V)
Was I doing the only thing I was a master at and avoiding my problems (Sonya)? Yes. Yes I was. I refuse to confront this right now or ever. I'll just run from my issues. I always was good at that.

So I stayed several feet away, just out of sight. Hidden by the shore, I was just below her, every now and then turning and watching her figure before looking back at the waves.

Keeping my feet in the water, I watched as a seashell washed up. Picking it up, I figured it was safe to rant to. After all, I highly doubt a shell will spread my secrets.

"Hey shell. I'm Y/N, and I have severe problems connecting with people. As of such, I won't talk to this wonderful girl about my feelings for her, even though she's the only person capable of helping sort them out. All I know is ever since she kissed me, even if it was on the cheek, my mind had been filled with only her. I have no idea how to fix this problem but am currently making sure we don't cross paths, which seems like a terrible idea. I also make terrible decisions though so it's fine. Decisions like falling for a girl who doesn't want me,"I ranted.

"I wasn't talking to a sea shell,"I immediately lied, throwing it in the sea. Turning around, I saw Aris standing there with an unreadable expression.

"I didn't think that you were,"He shrugged, taking spit by me before I could do anything. Staring at the sunset, lost in our own thoughts, I tried to pretend he wasn't there as my mind was still traveling back to her.

"How have you been, Rainy?"He spoke up.

"Excuse me?"I snapped, glaring at him.

"I just asked how you are, Rainy."

"Where the hell do you get off?"I asked in disbelief.

"What are you talking about?"He questioned, playing dumb.

"Nobody is allowed to call me Rainy but Sonya. Do you understand? That is my special name from her, and you will not use it again,"I demanded.

"It's just a nickname,"He complained.

"It's not just a nickname. It's my nickname that Sonya gave to me, and it is not to come out of anyone's mouth. Have I made myself clear?"I asked slowly.

"So it's special because it's from her?"He clarified.


"So in that case, Sonya is special to you,"He stated, making me sort of regret my outburst as I glared at the sand like it used mind control on me. "I probably shouldn't s e telling you, but you're special to her too."

"I am?"I asked, hiding the unwanted hope in my voice.

"Yeah. She talks about you to me all the time. She goes on and on like you're the only topic to exist."

"Are you being serious?"

"I have no reason to lie. It's almost concerning, but most of all, it's pure, like she's talking about the stars or the ocean."

"That's, wow,"I whispered, looking at him again.

"Do you love her?"He asked.


"Do you love her?"He repeated. As I instinctively went to say no my throat dried up. Unable to find any words, I slowly nodded my head as the realization hit me harder than anything ever had before. "I thought so,"He shrugged.

"I love someone. I love Sonya,"I managed to say.

"You should tell her,"He suggested.

"I don't know how,"I admitted. "I don't know how to say those words to anyone."

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