𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚. 𝙜𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙮

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✩ June 1994

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June 1994

Definitely Maybe was out. Their debut album was released to the whole world. And they were recognised by all of Britain, even beyond.

They were number one in the charts.

Oasis had sold over 100,000 copies in four days since its release. It was the fastest-selling debut album in the history of the country. Overnight, everyone knew of them, and their lives had changed forever.

To make it seem more of like a fairytale;

They were invited to perform at Glastonbury Festival. They were fucked out of their heads, celebrating like they had won the lottery. This was it for them.

Liam and Valia, though were upset with each other, found themselves in bed the very same night. Not caring that they hadn't properly spoken over the last few days and weeks. Who gave a fuck when you were suddenly one of the most popular bands in the UK. They definitely didn't.

"Liam." She said breathlessly, her eyes shut in pleasure at the wet patches the boy was planting on her neck. Her fingers trailed into his messy hair, running through them and gently tugging at them. Something Liam loved more than anything.

He only hummed, concentrating on the girl pinned against the kitchen counter of their hotel suite. "Missed yer. Yer know I do?"

It was muffled. But she nodded anyway, placing his head in between her hands as she interlocks their lips together. They were heated and swift and heavy, they were high on adrenaline and all they wanted to do was celebrate their success with one each other. And having not kissed or have sex together in what felt like forever, they were in no mood for being tender.

Unbuckling his belt, Liam smiled as he watched her struggle in frustration, violently throwing the belt away once successful. He slowly unbuttoned the alluring leather polyester vest suit she had on. They complimented each and every part of her curves like heaven. He had never seen her look so seductive before. Goodness, it took everything in him to not tear it off in front of everybody. They desperately unclothed each other before he gripped her legs and wrapped them around his bare torso, gently placing her on the counter top.

"Fuck!" She let out, one hand balancing herself on the counter, and the other wrapped around Liam's neck. He had a hand in her hair, his lips never once left her body, and the rhythm of his hips never once faltering. The sounds were filthy, and Liam was already so high that the whole experience had him spinning in ecstasy.

Liam could only watch her lose herself under his touch, itching at how turned on he was at the sight of Valia's bare chest being pressed up against his. She was going to be the death of him. And him, her.

And Liam thought that they finally made good use of the kitchen. She was bent all over it.

In bed, Valia's head rested on his chest, his fingers drawing aimlessly on her naked back. And they talked about how they had made it.

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