𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚. 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣' 𝙤𝙣 𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙮'𝙨 𝙙𝙤𝙤𝙧

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a bit of a filler chapter? not really much happened but it will be mentioned a lot in the next chapter (yes, the chapter, the end is here).
thought this chapter was needed to add to your perspective, in contrast to what will be said in the next one.
also, figured you guys could make use of a simple chapter before we dive into the messy split up.
didnt really proof read this either so rip

didnt really proof read this either so rip

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late July 2009

It has been over five years since the former Blur frontman came face to face with the dainty and captivating bassist. That was half a decade ago, when he last saw her with his own eyes, caught by Valia Mick's unsubtle stomach bump that gravely announced to him how much had changed.

It was no different when she stood outside of his door in the middle of New York City, a bag in hand, and a pair of sunglasses protecting her eyes. It was dark out, and there was nothing to be shielded from.

"I should have called." She stated knowingly. "I'm sorry."

Damon puddled limbless, staring confoundedly at the girl in front of him. He must have looked like a fool, standing there with absolutely no intention of making a move. As much as he wanted to, he just couldn't. It had been entirely too long since they last saw each other, and it hadn't hit him how prolonged it was until he took in her appearance.

He glanced over the face, the shades covering the parts that he loved the most. For a moment, he frowned over the fact that he couldn't see past the glasses and drown himself in those nostalgic brown eyes, the ones he had grown to become so fond off in the years before. Damon observed the way she had half of her hair tied behind, giving him more access to her golden skin—–and the redness that sculpted her cheeks, and that winsome nose that he always wanted to peck.

She changed so much, while simultaneously still appearing as the girl he had known before. The only thing that added a barrier between them was the fact that they were now practically strangers. Only strangers didn't show up at another person's rented place in another country.

Valia shifted uncomfortably under the blond's intense and searching gaze, dropping her eyes down to her feet. "I know you said you didn't need me in the studio yet, but.."

"No." He suddenly let out, instantly gaining her undivided attention. Damon brushed her off, shaking his head with a hard swallow. "Don't worry about it. Here, ah—–let me take that for you."

She blinked when he hesitantly reached out for her luggage, sharing an uneasy  glance with the girl. "Oh–—oh, yeah." She cleared her throat, letting Damon take the burden of the bag as he ushered her to step inside. "Thank you."

He hummed back in response, feeling her eyes follow his ever move. He rested her stuff on the floor, next to the couch. He took his time before turning around to face her once more, going blank and coming up short on what he could possibly say.

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