𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙮. 𝙘𝙪𝙩𝙨 & 𝙗𝙧𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙨

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AUTHORS NOTE really boring chapter but its really just a bit of a filler, to smooth the process of slipping into Val and Liam's romantic reconciliation + wanted to explore the relationship between her and Graham/Marissa, which for obvious (or not?) reasons are important to the plot of the book!

AUTHORS NOTE     really boring chapter but its really just a bit of a filler, to smooth the process of slipping into Val and Liam's romantic reconciliation + wanted to explore the relationship between her and Graham/Marissa, which for obvious (or ...

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April 2003

"How about this one?"

Valia twirled her head around, squinting at the record that sat in Graham's hand. She shook her head, placing another one of her own records into the box neatly, afraid of causing damage to them. "That's Damon's."

The boy hummed, before slipping it back in the slot in the rack, browsing further.

They were back in Devon, and Graham insisted that he helped the bassist as she cleared and moved her things out of the house she once shared with Damon Albarn. He was certain that for one, it wouldn't be easy to put her things into a box all alone, especially after everything she and Damon had been through——he had a feeling that Val would sit around wondering what went wrong instead of packing. And secondly, the two of them didn't see each other a lot, it became awkward to do so when she was still with the Blur frontman, considering Graham had left the band a while back.

But Damon wasn't in Devon, and that meant that Gra could help Valia out without worrying about bumping into his old friend.

"I didn't realise you guys had this much of a collection." He mumbled, peering around the room. It was used as their own little studio, with their guitars and basses covering the walls of the room. But it was half empty now, with Val having wrapped and boxed the most of them.

She agreed inaudibly, still filling the moving box with her records. "You know Damon." She says, not paying much attention to how Graham was inspecting around. Damon was known to be a collector, and that was common knowledge for most people. "And most of my records are old ones, got them when I was younger."

Graham nodded, flickering his eyes over to her. "I remember. Your dad got you most of them, didn't he?"

"Yeah." She smiled tightly. "Back when he would throw a tantrum around the house and had to sweet me into forgiving him."

He frowned slightly at her, having forgotten how complex her relationship with Paul Mick was. But things were different now, and the two were gradually putting the past behind them. Though, it wasn't easy, because Valia herself knew how much he had costed their family before, and how it had ruined her mother. It was the reason why Marissa was no longer speaking to her daughter. "But all's fixing itself now. He's happy and changed. And you're being the bigger person."

"Guess so." She said quietly, glancing around the vast of emptiness around the room. Val was sitting on the floor, resting her elbows on the moving box. "I can't believe this is fucking happening."

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