𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣. 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧'𝙨 𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙡

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tw! sexual themes towards the end!

tw! sexual themes towards the end!

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December 1994

Christmas in the Mick household was never really memorable. It was only the two of them, Val, and her sweet mother.

Growing up, even when there was the three of them, her father would often show up back home with a glass of alcohol in hand. And soon after, it would crash on the floor, seeing as he had thrown it across the room. Whether it was aimed at Val, or her mother, they're not sure. Maybe both. No idea.

The girl hesitated when Noel insisted that they spent Christmas together with Peggy's family. For one, because she didn't want to intrude, though the invitation was tempting. And then there was Liam. It wasn't to say that things were still pretty bad between them, it no longer was. But it was strained and awkward — they were talking, but odd, regardless.

Liam's guilt was still gradually eating him up, day after day, he finds himself buried with soil and emptiness. All because he couldn't have the girl by his side. And he missed her terribly, more then he ever did anyone. She was both his best friend and the woman of his dreams. Liam was a fuck up, though, and he did what he did best — fuck things up with her. Every time. But it was worse this time, because he had actually asked her out. There was no going back anymore. He had fucked someone else, and asked Valia out, all in the same hour.

And for her, she was all alone. No word from Damon, even when she had spoken to all his friends, but not him. She was devastated to say the least, but she had enough boy problems as it was. With no siblings, no family member dear enough to her other than her mother. Even so, she couldn't face the woman whom birthed her. She was afraid that her face would remind Marissa a little too much of the man they used to call Husband and Father. How could she return home and pretended as though everything was okay? As if she hadn't gotten rotten by the drugs, and the booze, and the cigarettes. As though she hadn't been sleeping around with Christian Cartier.

That's right. They ended up having that lunch back in November. And again. Then again. The third time is a charm. They slept. Then for the second time. No strings attached, of course. That's what rockstars do, don't they?

It was what Liam did. What Damon Albarn was doing.

Speaking of the latter. The two still hadn't spoken. Damon patched things up with Graham and Alex, telling them that he overreacted and Gra did what he thought was best for his friends. But he held a grudge against the girl. Why didn't she come to him for help? I'll tell you why, because he refused to pick up her call after making the presumption that she was back in bed with Liam Gallagher, despite her often telling him that they were both angry at each other after what happened back at Glastonbury.

Damon fought his own emotions, allowing himself to inject himself with more H. He continued cheating on Justine with other girls he had his eye on, before never speaking to them again. Well, it wasn't really cheating, though is it. They were in an open relationship.

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