𝙛𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚. 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙫𝙤𝙬 ₁₉₉₂₋₁₉₉₃

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I swear my word count keeps getting larger and larger. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present you, a chapter of 12k words. My record for this book yet.

This will be the last chapter on pre/early Oasis.

Next stop, 1994, escaping the Blur party. The one and only, Damon Albarn.

 The one and only, Damon Albarn

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May 1992

Liam Gallagher was a guy who found an abundant of things in life humorous, really, he was an easy guy to please. A lot of people would agree with the said statement, his brother included.

But something about that night had him caved in with bustling laugher, unable to hold himself together even in the slightest. He had stumbled off stage once they were done performing at a small venue, holding his stomach whilst he held on to Tony with his face scrunched up inevitably.

"It's really not that funny man." The bassist says, though she was also holding back a beam at how much it seemed to have entertained the boy. "It was a bug."

Liam bursted out laughing again, and Noel shook his head with a silly smile. The younger Gallagher brought his attention to the girl, seemingly almost tearing up at how much he had been laughing. "Yer should have seen yer face! Yer look like——hah! Val, yer fuckin' face, mate."

"Someone's had too much coke today." She muttered, not entirely fazed by Liam's overreaction. She couldn't see what was so funny. They had a gig, and midst performance, a rather frightening looking bug had flown past her face, and she had a particular disdain towards them. It was no surprise when she practically darted away from the devil-like creature, cowering from its proximity. One would have thought that she was beginning to break dance on stage from all the swift movements she was doing in order to avoid it——and Liam, who had been watching the event unfold with the rest of the band and audience, absolutely lost his mind at the sight of it.

Noel threw an arm over her shoulders. "To be fair, ya looked like a proper fucking idiot. I'm hoping someone took a picture of it."

"You did look a tad funny, mate." Tony added on with his tongue tainted with humour. "It should be hung at the Louvre."

She rolled her eyes at her friends' banter. "Really funny. I'll have you know that I'm terrified of bugs, or insects, or anything that fucking crawls and flies and slithers. Completely traumatised. Never want to see them."

Bonehead only watched them in amusement, and even more so when Liam butted in with a jarring laugh, struggling to catch his breath and to utter out his words. "You mean——oh fuck, 'tis is a right good one." He said in between breaths, sharing a knowing look with Valia. He heard of this story before, and he just had to admit that he loved it a little too much. "In school, she was in class, right? And this massive fuckin' centipede climbed up her leg——"

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