𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. 𝙫𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙨

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✩ March 1995

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March 1995

They settled with recording a number of their works at a studio in London.

And things weren't the best to say the least.

At this stage of their recording, Tony McCarroll was walking on extremely thin ice. Noel had brought in someone into the studio to help Tony with his drumming, in which the drummer saw as an ultimate insult to his abilities. He refused to listen to a word the guy said, and Noel was beginning to lose his sanity.

"I'm not gonna let yer waste our fucking time cause you play the drums like er fucking donkey."

Liam snorted distinctly from across the room. "That's er fucking insult to r'donkey."

Valia glared at the boy, whispering at him to keep his mouth shut, and Liam only shrugged disinterestedly. "Can't tell me yer can't play better than him."

"Are you calling me a fucking donkey, William?"

Liam stopped moving, hastily looking over at his girlfriend with a panicked expression. And Bonehead, as well as Noel couldn't help but burst into laughter at the terrified sight of their lead singer. "Christ. Calling your bird a donkey has to be some sort of death wish." Bonehead said in between laughs.

"I didn't say nothing!" Liam hissed back swiftly. "Bug yer ain't no donkey."

Valia raised a stern eyebrow at him, harshly trying to hold in her own laugh.

"Twat." Tony muttered bitterly under his breath, disgustedly glaring over at the youngest Gallagher.

It wasn't nearly soft enough for the rest of the band to not hear. And Valia almost sighed when both Gallagher's perched their ears up angrily.

Liam approached him with his chest popped outwards, and Val was evidently way too exhausted to intervene at this point. "The fuck did yer just call me?"

Usually that wasn't enough to hit a nerve. But the tension between Tony and the band was beyond more than anything. And anything the drummer did or say was sufficient for any sort of backlash. Even a simple twat — which was a name calling that was often thrown around between the band jokingly was adequate to get a rise out of Liam Gallagher.

"Liam. Walk away." She sighed, tugging on the sleeves of his shirt to get him to snap out of it. Oftentimes it worked, but things were tough with Tony. The drummer constantly made inappropriate comments that pissed the band off. He often brought his girlfriend along to pubs, which would only end up with the two of them getting on each other's throats and fighting, ruining a good night instead. Tony would typically and purposely get into arguments and fights with Noel just to prove that the older Gallagher wasn't the only one with a voice.

"No. Did yer hear what the fuck he just called me?" Liam told her off. He was drunk and high, as he always was when they were in the studio. "Say it again."

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