𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚. 𝙖 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚

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Not to alarm you guys or anything but we're only chapters away from the infamous event of August 2009.

By this, I mean like ... we're (estimated to be) three chapters away. Which meansss we're chapters away from ENDING?

 Which meansss we're chapters away from ENDING?

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                        ✩ October 2005

It was the core of the shivering night when the bassist woke up, absent from the yearning warmth from a certain entity.

She stirred in her sleep, frowning as she shifted around the bed, the covers clutched on to her body. Valia found that Liam was nowhere to be found, and that his side of the bed had been left empty.

She throws her head over towards the direction of the bathroom, only to see that it was left preoccupied, and that Liam wasn't inside. Val tiredly walked herself out of bed, scanning around the house for Liam's presence. She peeked inside Gene's room, shutting the door back when she acknowledged that he was sleeping with a toy held into his chest.

Lennon's room was indulged in darkness, just like his brother's. The only resort was Levon's nursery, and Val, with utter caution, pushed her way into the room, instantly met by Liam's eyes——he was sat in the corner of the room, fulfilled with the lack of ambience and lighting, all except for the creeping streetlights outside.

He twitched a lazy smile at her, and Val does the exact same before gradually approaching the frontman. Liam snaked an arm around her waist, absentmindedly pulling the bassist into his lap. She leaned into his chest, seemingly humming softly at the sensational feeling that his touch always provided her with.

"What are you doing up?" She whispered, playing with his hair, stroking Liam's scalp in the process. She watched as he continued to wander his eyes over to the crib, where their little Levon was silently breathing in his sleep.

Liam rested his head back, taking in the girl's face at the best of his ability, the darkness of the room not giving him much of a chance to do so. "I just wanted to check on him."

She smiled, and she caressed his cheek before inching closer to brush their lips together. Liam only ran his hand on her back, moving them up and down in a comforting manner. "He's okay, Li." Valia uttered, hushed. She crinkled the corner of her eyes at her, her heart thawing at the sight of him staying up at night to simply sit around in the nursery. "Come back to bed. I can't sleep without you."

"In a bit." He responded, holding tightly on to the girl in his lap. They both landed their attention on Levon, the boy they both had brought into the world. When the two of them held him in their arms for the very first time, they had been so overwhelmed by the idea of it—–and it ended with a tearful experience, with Liam ultimately unable to control his emotions. It was probably the first time Val had ever, truly, indefinitely, seen him cry. And it clocked her just how much this all meant to him, just as it meant to her.

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