𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙤𝙣𝙚. 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨, 𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨

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A slightly long and dull chapter but I had to include these parts in because they are of course significant moments in Valia's life that contributes to all of her other piled and mountains of problems + future feud between our fav girl and the Liam-Patsy marriage.

(also I had a psych test today so thats why i've been MIA for like a few days lol but we r back n rolling!)


✩ May 1999

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May 1999

"He's not coming."

Valia lifted her head up from the nine-month old Molly, rocking back-and-forth on her lap, cooing. "Just give it a few more minutes."

Lisa threw her head back, increasingly frustrated by the situation. When the bassist threatened to end things indefinitely with Liam Gallagher—–no connections whatsoever, he gave in, vowing that he was truly going to face his first born daughter.

On one condition, that Valia Mick was going to be there to accompany him.

She refused at first, indicating that it would be weird and that it seemed a little intimate for her liking, the two of them meeting his daughter. But Liam made it clear that he couldn't do it all on his own, and he would feel at peace if she was there to help him through it. And because he seemed to be devoted, progressively trying to put an effort into becoming better, and to keeping her in his life, Valia eventually agreed.

Only, they came separately, not wanting to attract attention. And now he was late.

"How are you so sure that he's coming?" Lisa asked with a frown. "He hasn't exactly been the most trustworthy of men."

Val and Lisa somehow were getting along. Somehow because she didn't expect to ever meet her, Val never thought that the two would even bond over slagging Liam, and playing with Molly.

The bassist never gave much thought into children, even when Damon would occasionally bring up the fact that he wanted one in the future, she would tell him that it was an idea that will come when the time was right. Even then, she didn't particularly had much interest in having one. But Molly was growing on her, the girl's wide brown eyes glistening back up at her, it was such a sight. It made her heart swell.

For a brief second, she wished that she had indulged in the thought of having children with Damon. Then it would have been their kid that the Blur frontman was cradling in his arms.

Val traced Molly's back aimlessly, zoning out. "He'll come."

They snapped their heads towards the door when the bell rang, and Val raised an eyebrow over at Lisa, as though to say I told you so.

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