10,000 Years Ago

635 13 5

No ones POV:

His childrens crys could be heard over the raging battle that lingered on their doorstep.

"Coran release me this instant!" Comanded the young Princess fighting against the hold of her fathers trusty advisor.

"I'm sorry Princess" Coran said sadly before putting her in the sleeping pod and activating it so it sunk under the floor where she would be safe.

"ALLURA!" The younger Prince cried as he watched his sister sink below the floor falling into a deep slumber.

"Father WHY! We can fight. I can fight" He pleaded his father who held him just as Coran held Allura moments ago.

"Today is not your battle Son" His father stated seriously.

"Protect your sister Lance, You two are the universes last hope" He pulled his son into his chest for a final time before pushing him into the sleeping pod that soon sank under the floor to join his sister.

"King Alfor, are you sure about this?" Coran asked his friend.

"Yes, But Coran I need you to go with them"

Coran simply nodded as he had expected this request.

"Do you remember how I tied the lions to Allura'a life-force?" Alfor stated randomly.

"Yea"Coran answered confused.

"I guess it's sort of true there are five lions tied to her"

"WHAT! Are you saying there is six lions Alfor?!" Coran Yelled.

"Yes but, one of the six lions refused to be tied to Allura and her quintessence" Alfor paused "In order to save the universe you must protect both Allura and Lance but you can never tell Lance that he too is the key to salvation. Is that Understood Coran?" Alfor commanded.

"But Alfor if what you say is true shouldn't we-"

"NO! Coran, you can not tell him. You will understand in time, now get in the pod"

After Coran climbs into the sleeping pod he asks "Alfor, What is Lances Fate like?" in a sad voice.

"It's hard to say but his instincts will protect him and his sister. Tell him to always trust his gut.  Please protect them Coran, as I no longer can." Alfors hand hovers over the pods activation button.

"Goodbye old friend" With that he pressed the button. Turning and running from the room as soon as the pod is out of sight.

"Goodluck my children and oldest friend may the lions protect you always"


A sixth lion? The readers ask. 

But the tags don't say. 


~ Phoenix out

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