The Meeting

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The atmosphere in the Castle of Lions was thick with tension as the team gathered in the conference room, their expressions a mix of determination and concern. 

Lance, Shay, Allura, Romelle, Shiro, Adam, Coran, Keith, Pidge, and Hunk sat around the table, their minds consumed by the weight of the decision they were about to make.

Lance, understood the primal urge to protect one's territory and kin. 

His gaze shifted between the faces of his comrades, sensing their unease.

"I know this isn't an easy decision to make," he began, his voice steady and authoritative.

"But we can't ignore the fact that Shay and her people deserve to return to their home. They've been displaced for far too long."

Shay, her green eyes reflecting a fierce determination, nodded in agreement. 

"Lance is right. We've lived in fear and uncertainty for too long. It's time for us to reclaim what's rightfully ours, even if it means facing danger."

Allura, clasped her hands together, her expression troubled.

"I understand your desire to return home, but we must consider the risks involved. The Galra Empire still poses a significant threat to your planet."

Romelle, leant forward, her voice filled with conviction.

"But if we don't stand up for this planet, who will? We can't let fear dictate our actions. We have to fight for their home."

Shiro, the leader of Voltron, listened to each perspective carefully, his brow furrowed in thought.

"We need to approach this cautiously. Can we guarantee the safety of the evacuees if they return to their planet?"

Adam, nodded in agreement.

"We'll need a comprehensive plan in place, with contingencies for every possible scenario. We can't afford to be reckless."

Coran, interjected with his usual wit.

"Ah, yes! Planning is key! We must ensure that every detail is accounted for, from defense strategies to supply routes."

The Red Paladin, spoke up, his voice resolute. "We can't let fear paralyze us. If we stand together, we can face any challenge that comes our way. We have to believe in ourselves and in each other."

Pidge nodded in agreement. "With Voltron on their side, Shay and her people won't be alone. We'll provide them with the support when they need it."

Hunk, offered a reassuring smile. "We've faced tough odds before, but we've always come out on top because we stood together as a team. We can do this." He reasoned.

As the discussion continued, the team delved into the specifics of their plan, considering every possible obstacle and challenge they might encounter. 

They debated strategies, assessed resources, and shared ideas, each member contributing their unique perspective to the discussion.

Hours passed as the team meticulously crafted their plan, refining it until it was as solid as the Castle of Lions itself. 

They knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger, but they also knew that they couldn't turn their backs on those who needed their help.

"Guy's we need to remember Shay is part of Lances Pride" Hunks stated.

"She has a direct bond if she needs us, Voltron it a literal thought away" Pidge laughed.

"I say we help them settle and stay here for a bit. My shifters need to run, and they can't in the castle," Lance declared firmly, his gaze shifting between Shay and the rest of the team.

"If that's okay with your previous Alpha," Lance added as an afterthought, a note of uncertainty creeping into his voice.

Shay scratched her head, looking somewhat perplexed. "We don't have one," she admitted, her expression sheepish.

Lance froze, confusion evident on his face. "Then how have you kept order...?" he asked, his brow furrowed in puzzlement.

"We haven't," Shay explained with a shrug. "When issues arise, we sort them out, but that's about it."

"You have to have an acting Alpha, though, right?" Lance inquired, seeking clarification.

"Rax, I guess, was, but he's not a shifter anymore," Shay nodded in Pidge's direction.

Lance's resolve seemed to solidify with this information. "Okay, now we need to stay," he said simply, pushing back his chair and rising to his feet.

"Lance, you can't just decide that—" Allura began, her voice tinged with concern.

"Sorry, let me rephrase that. Me and my shifters will stay," Lance rephrased, his tone leaving no room for argument.

"That, I can decide."

With that, he strode purposefully out of the conference room, his determination palpable. 

Adam, Romelle, and Shay exchanged glances before following after him, their steps echoing down the corridors of the Castle of Lions.

"Pack your things we are staying here for a while" Lance spoke through the Pride bonds watching a shifter in the hall race off to do as he said. 

"Lance.." Adam asked.

"Whats up man" Lance replied

"Is this a smart move, Voltron wise. The team will be grounded and not saving the universe like their destined. Like your destined." 

"Adam, all I'm needed for is to stay alive thats it. If Voltron decides to leave they can" Lance stated.

"And yes, if they are to leave you can stay. Romelle, Adam I know you have either mated or close to mated members of voltron. So you have my permison to travel with them if that comes to pass."

"But, then you would loose" Romelle counted on her fingers "The groups with the rebels and the blade, your second and your third" She looked up.

Just as Lance was about to replied he heared another voice call his name.


He turned and watched Keith jog towards him taking in his violet eyes, his soft purple complextion. 

"Lance your staring" Shay bumped him laughing. 

"Oh shut up" Lance laughed "Whats up Keith?"

"We need to talk"

"What about?" Lance had a feeling he knew what it was about.

"You know Lance, we need to talk about us" 

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