Who or What are you?

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Pidge, Hunk and Shiro POV:



"Well Pidge he did leave the contents of his stomach inside that Yellow Lion" Shiro added helpfully with a smirk. 

"Bullies" Hunk pouted and looked at the structure around them.

"Where did that lion take us" Shiro asked the question they were all thinking.

"Besides through a wormhole" Pidge grinned.

"It seems to be a castle of sorts" Hunk said ignoring Pidges bad humor. 

"A very old but modern castle" Pidge added

"Does that even work?" Hunk looked at Pidge curiously. 

"Well look around Mor-"

The door beside them opened reaveling what looked like an infirmary of sorts.

"What" Shiro murmmered to himeself as three circles rose from the floor and seemed to contain what looked like poeple. 

A hissing noise filled the room as the pods opened and the three figures stumbled out. 

"Allura?" One of the strangers whispered.

"Lance?" The one we assumed was Allura replied.

"Look at their ears" Hunk not so quietly whispered to Shiro. 

"Whats wrong with our ears" Asked the tall man with a big bushy orange mustache. 

"Nothing" Shiro said quickly glaring at Hunk then glancing to Allura and Lance who seemed content on just holding each other.

Shiro clears his throat drawing all three's attention.

"I'm Shiro, the big yellow guy is Hunk, and the little green one is Pidge" Shiro introduced.

"Huh? Oh Introductions I'm Coran, the pink lady is Princess Allura and the Blue lad is Prince Lance."

"PRINCESS!! PRINCE!!" Both Hunk and Pidge exclamed pointing at the pair.

"God humans are weird" Lance said releasing his sister and stepping forward to shake hands. 

"Lance what happened to your normal flirty self" Allura smiled and curtesied to the three.

"Still asleep" Lance winked.

"Im sorry for saying this so bluntly but what are you guys?" Hunk asked taking in the pointy ears, the slight colour tints to their skin and what seems to be scales under their eyes. 

"We are the last Alteans in the universe" Lance answered coldly.

"That we know of" Allura added with a glare at her brother.

"How in the name of the lions did you humans even get inside the castle of lions?" Coran finally asked .

Both Allura and Lance frowned. 

"Yea how did you" Allura stopped waiting for the answer.

"We walked into a cave that had weird yellow markings on the walls that lit up and we found a large Yellow Lion that spoke but only I heard it then we all climbed into the lion and I flew around and out of the earths atmosphere and we got attacked then the lion made a wormhole and we flew through it then it piloted itself here and boom here were are please don't kill us" Hunk pleaded gasping for air. 

"You piloted the Yellow Lion" Allura grinned.

"I said that didn't I" Hunk said confused looking at Shiro for confirmation.

"We need to find the other lions" Allura contiuned grinning at Shiro and Pidge. 

"We also need to find their pladians" Coran added "We only have one"

"We are only missing one" Corrected Allura. "Follow me children."

After a Short walk they arrived at another room.

"Allura why are we at the holodeck" Lance asked.

"Just watch" Allura smiled activating the system so that the galaxy came to life around them.

"Our ancestors created five robotic lions that manafested special bond with the pladians they chose" Allura began "When all five lions find their pladians the legandary defender of the universe Voltron Can be built." Whilst Allura explained this the holodeck showed all five lions and them creating Voltron. 

"And we need Voltron to destroy the Galra leader Zarkon" Lance said through gritted teeth whilst Allura nodded her head in agreement. 

"And who is Zarkon" Pidge asked.

"A very bad alien dude" Shiro answered. 

"Shiro he killed Allura and Lances entire family AND blew up our home planet I think he a little more then a 'very bad alien dude'" Coran Stated coldly.

"On that note, The Yellow Lion is caring a kind, it's pilot is one who must put the need of others before his own. His heart must be mighty, that is why Hunk you will pilot the Yellow Lion and make up the left leg of voltron." The hologram of the Yellow Lion moved to float next to Hunk. 

"Next is the Green Lion, This lion has an inquisitive personallity and needs a pilot of intelect and daring. Pidge you will pilot the Green Lion and become the left arm of Voltron" Allura smiled at Pidge who returned the smile with a grin of his own yelling "IM AN ARM!". 

"The Black Lion is the largest of the Lions and will make up the head and main body of Voltron when it is needed so naturally it is the leader of this pride, to pilot this lion you need to be a natural born leader Shiro you will pilot this lion." Shiro nods at Allura.

"The Blue Lion holds the team together providing what is needed at the time and when needed can aid in leadership alongside the Black Lion, this Lion choses a palidian who is surportive, dependable and has a strong and loyal heart.

 Lance you will become the Blue Lions Pladian" Lance stares at Allura.

"Are you sure Lura?" Lance asked softly.

"Yes Lance, you will pilot the Blue Lion" Allura walks forward and embraces her brother. 

"Now the Red Lion is temperamental and is the most volitile of all of the Voltron Lions. His pladian must rely more on his instincts then skill alone. Both the Red Lion and it's plaidan are missing" Allura states annoyed.

"Your map states that the Black Lion is here in it's Hanger" Pidge reports looking at the Black Lions location.

"My father King Alfor made it so all four lions had to be present in order to open it's hanger." Allura said.

"Now lets find these lions and assemble Voltron" Shiro smiled. 

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