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"WHAT HAPPEN TO NO SECRETS" Matt yelled into Lances face. 

"We were ment to be a open book to each other," Kolivan stated calming down.

"Oh wow thats bold coming from you" Lance huffed at Kolivan. 

"Voltron we expected better" Kolivan ignored Lance and turned to Allura. 

"It was a -" 

"This has nothing to do with them" Lance snarled in warning interupting Allura. 

"Yes it does because you are supposedly part of their team. Or is that a lie to since where is the blue lion Lance" Matt yelled still in his face. 

"MATT BACK OFF" Pidge pushed his brother back away from Lance. 

"KATIE UHH" Matt looked at Pidges ears and tail before turning to Lance once more.

"What did you do to my sister" Matt growled 

"Matt stop it" Pidge said 

"YOUR A FREAK" Matt screamed pointing at their ears, "And it's his fault!" Matt pointed at Lance. 

"That is a good point, why does Voltron associate themselves with things think Shifters and Galra hafbreeds" Kolivan said looking at Keith discust plain on his face. 

No one saw Lance move, one second he was standing their the next he had Kolivan pinned against the wall snarling in his face. 

Keith, alarmed by the sudden confrontation, stepped forward, trying to defuse the situation. "Hey, hey, calm down, Lance. Let's not escalate things here."

Lance, however, maintained his intense gaze on Kolivan, his voice low and dangerous. "You think you can judge us? You've got no right to talk about my pride and Keith like that."

Kolivan, surprised by the sudden aggression, struggled to speak. "It's just a concern for the unity of the team and the alliance."

Hunk and Pidge exchanged worried glances, unsure of how to intervene. Shiro, the leader of Voltron, stepped forward, attempting to mediate. "Lance, let him go. We can discuss this calmly."

Lance reluctantly released Kolivan, but the tension in the room lingered. "You're not the first to doubt us, but we've proven ourselves time and time again. We're a team, and that's what matters."

"Shifters out" Lance ordered his people as their own agression began to rise.

 They reluctantly obeyed his command. They backed away, their eyes still fixed on Kolivan and Matt. The air was thick with tension as both parties assessed each other.

Soon the only shifters left in the room were Shay, Pidge, Romelle and Adam. 

"And what part do you play in this team, You don't pilot a Lion anymore because you LOST IT" Matt yelled at Lance. 

Lance took a deep breath, his glowing blue eyes flickering as he struggled to control his emotions. The tension in the room escalated as everyone watched the exchange unfold.

Matt, realizing the potential consequences of his words, took a step back but stood his ground. "I just want to know where you fit in now. We can't afford any weak links, especially when we're facing the Galra."

Keith tightened his grip on Lance's arm, silently urging him to stay calm. "We all have our roles here, Matt. Lance is more than capable, and we need to trust each other if we're going to succeed." 

"And what is his role exactly" Kolivan asked. 

The Paladins, sensing the reaction from their Lions, exchanged puzzled glances. The lion bunker was a secure and sacred space where they often held ceremonies like the one Lance and his pride held and connected with their respective Lions. The unexpected reaction from the Lions was a clear sign that something significant was happening.

Suddenly all five lions walked around the corner unpiloted and stood behind Lance. 

"I can't tell them" Lance said turning and looking up at the Black lion as the two communticated. 

"What is happening" Matt asked confused looking at Lance talk to the Lions.

"He's going crazy" Kolivan sighed shaking his head. 

This is what made Lance snap, he spun around and pushed Keith out of the road exploding into his Lion Form with a roar fangs bared. 

The air crackled with tension as Lance's sudden transformation left Matt and Kolivan in stunned silence.

His eyes glowed a fierce blue, mirroring the light emanating from the Lions behind him.

The roar that erupted from his massive lion form echoed through the bunker, a primal and thunderous sound that shook the very foundations of the room.

Keith, pushed aside in Lance's eruption, quickly recovered and approached cautiously.

He could sense the intensity of Lance's emotions, and as he pressed his hand against the towering Blue Lion's shoulder, a connection sparked between them.

Keith's own Lion, the Red Lion, seemed to resonate with the event, and its fiery glow intensified.

The Paladins exchanged knowing glances. Shiro nodded with a mix of awe and pride, while Allura, Lances sister smiled.

However, Matt and Kolivan stood shocked. Matt stuttered in disbelief, "Wait, you're telling me Lance is the Blue Lion?"

Kolivan, leader of the blade, finished Matt's thought with astonishment evident on his face. "Lance, you possess the essence of the Blue Lion?"

"I am" Lance spoke his voice rolling easily through the mouth of his Lion form as he pressed into Keiths side for comfort.

"And you and the Red Plaidan are mates?" Kolivan asked causing Lance to shift back into his human form (Still fully clothed) coughing his face scarlet.

"Yea what about it" Keith growled trying to ignore the blush on his own cheeks.

"Wait you know?" Lance asked turning to look at Keith.

"Maybe" Keith laughed softly as Lance pulled him in for a hug. 

The Red Lion turned and left heading back to it's bunker as did the rest of the lions. 

"I take it they haven't spoken about that" Matt chuckled. 

"Ohh and Matt" Lance said turning to the rebel leader. 

"If you ever call Pidge or a member of my Pride a Freak again I will eat you, and I don't care if Pidge hates me for it" Lance threatened looking over Keiths shoulder and baring his teeth. 

"Understood Sir" Matt said turning and pulling Pidge into a hug apologising quietly in his ear. 

Threw My Eyes (Klance Au)Where stories live. Discover now