Truth Laid Bare.

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Lance lay on his plush bed in his room, the gentle hum of the Castle of Lions providing a soothing background melody.

His room, adorned with shades of cool blues and soft silvers, was a serene haven within the cosmic fortress.

However, on this particular morning, Lance found himself lost in contemplation.

His blue lion ears, twitching slightly as he stared at the ceiling, lost in thought.

A matching tail curled around him.

The room's ambient lighting cast a soft glow on Lance's features, highlighting the striking blend of grace and the unmistakable charm that defined him.

Despite the sense of duty and the ongoing battles, Lance felt a wave of exhaustion settle over him.

The weight of responsibility bore down, and the thought of facing another day of challenges left him temporarily unmotivated.

As he continued to gaze at the ceiling, he contemplated the boundless cosmos beyond, wondering about his place within it.

The soft hum of the castle, the distant echoes of training, and the camaraderie of his fellow Paladins seemed both near and far.

Eventually, with a sigh, Lance gathered his strength, ears flickering with newfound determination as he prepared to face the challenges of the day ahead.

Walking into the training room Lance smiled as he saw Keith training with his baynad. 

His Galran heritage was evident in the purple marking that adorned his face, striking against his pale complexion.

The intensity in his violet eyes mirrored the fierce determination that fueled his every move. Eyes that Lance swore he could get lost in. 

"Take a photo it will last longer" Huffed Keith as he caught Lance staring and taking a drink break. 

"I might" Lance winked pulling his phone from his pocket and snapping a pic.

"I WAS A JOKE LANCE!" Keith yelled in embaressment. "Delete it" He snarled in a low voice. 

"Well concidering I can never have my photos fully deleted thanks to what Hunk calls the cloud, have at it" Lance grinned puting his phone on the side and beginning to warm up. 

Keith huffed and watched Lance stretch. 

"Take a photo it will last longer" Lance said trying to copy Keiths voice. 

Keith rolled his eyes a soft blush contrasting his white skin. 

"Wanna spar?" Keith asked as Lance finished stretching. 

"Sure" Lance grinned. 

Lance got good at controlling his lion side. Tired of hiding his ears and tail, he decided to be himself on a ship. 

Lance allowed his fangs and claws to extend. 

"Come at me pretty boy" Lance teased. 

Lance and Keith engaged in a spirited sparring session, the air charged with energy as they circled each other.

Lance, drawing upon the control he had developed over his lion heritage, moved with agility and precision.

Keith, known for his formidable skills, matched Lance's intensity with calculated strikes and swift maneuvers.

The clash of their weapons echoed in the training arena as they exchanged blows, each testing the other's limits.

Lance, fueled by a determination to prove himself although he was the better fighter to begin with, seized an opportune moment to outmaneuver Keith.

With a swift combination of moves, he disarmed his opponent and delivered a decisive strike.

Lance grinned flicking his tail proudly and retreving Keiths weapon handing it to him. 

"Your contol has gotten better" Keith smiled softly panting. 

"Yea Red has me on a strick training schedule thats paying off" He grinned.

He still hadn't told the team about his newest ice ability finding to better to keep that a secret.

Why, he didn't know. 

"Lance and Keith to the bridge please" Allura's voice sounded over the castle mic. 

"Race?" Keith asked.

"You wanna race?" Lance raised an eyebrow. "You that eager to lose" He teased. 

Keith didn't answer just racing out the door ahead.

Lance laughed and raced forwards quickly catching Keith and passing him. 

Keith burst into the control room glaring at Lance as he sat in his spot looking at his nails which he had returned to normal. 

"Wow Keith I have been here for ages" Lance grinned. 

Keith huffed and took his seat. 

"Ok so we need to restock the castle, Coran and I found this planet that has everything we need." Allura said pointing at the planet. "Get ready to go."

Lace looked only to see a fimilar place. 

'Wow He thought looking at the planet in awe.

"Blue why are we AAAAAH"'

"Lance?" Keith asked noting the way Kosmo walked over and laid his head on his Alphas lap. 

"Yea-a" He stutters. 

"You good?"

Lance looked back at the planet a tear rolled down his face as he took in the lush forrests and bodies of water like he had that day. 

"No. No I'm not" Lance stood pushing Kosmo away who whined in responce. 

Lance, consumed by his sorrow, whirled around to face the wolf, emitting a fierce snarl that made the creature lower its head in submission.

His intense emotions fueled his actions.  

Without a word, Lance abruptly left the room, leaving its occupants in stunned silence.

The weight of the truth hung heavily in the air around him.

He could hardly blame them; they were unaware that the Blue Lion had met its end in that very place.


Discovering Lance in a vulnerable state on the Red Lion's paw, Keith couldn't help but feel a profound sense of confusion and unease.

Lance's tearful sobs, with his tail curled protectively around him, painted a picture of profound distress. 

The resonance of sorrow seemed to echo not only from Lance but also from the very essence of the Red Lion.

As Keith observed the heartbreaking scene, a realization dawned upon him. 

The team had been kept in the dark about the fate of the Blue Lion on the day Red had rescued Lance. 

Keith couldn't shake the sinking feeling that, in this moment of shared misery, he had stumbled upon the painful truth of what had transpired that day.

"She died here didn't she" Keith asked quietly. 

As Keith gazed into the eyes of the Red Lion, a torrent of images flooded his mind. 

The vivid recollection of events unfolded before him, revealing the untold story witnessed by the fiery creature.

He saw the Blue Lion soaring toward the planet, and then, engulfed in a mysterious blue light, it disappeared. 

In its place, an ethereal Lance hovered where the mighty beast had once stood. 

The revelation left Keith in a profound state of shock, as the Red Lion laid bare the hidden tragedy that had befallen the Blue Lion and her pladian that fateful day.

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