Releasing Oaths of the Past

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Lance's heart skipped a beat as a wave of distress pulsed through his pride bonds, a deep connection that linked him to his pride.

His eyes widened, meeting Keith's concerned gaze.

"Something's wrong," Lance muttered, his voice tense with worry, already moving towards the exit. His alpha instincts, screamed at him to act.

Without another word, Keith, Romelle, Adam, and Shay followed, their expressions a mix of concern and determination.

The castle's corridors blurred past as they sprinted towards the planet's surface, Lance's lion ears and tail out, a sign of his heightened emotions and readiness for action.

As they burst onto the scene, they found a large group of Lance's shifters surrounded by Shay's people, who had also shifted into their animal forms.

The tension in the air was palpable, and Lance's muscles tensed as he took in the situation.

Lance snarled, drawing all attention to him. His eyes blazed with determination as he stepped forward, his presence commanding and powerful.

"What's going on here?" he demanded, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade.

The shifters hesitated, casting uncertain glances at each other. Although one of Shay's people stepped forwards.

"You and your pride have out stayed your welcome." They snarled. 

The tension escalated as the shifter named Alex stepped forward, their words dripping with hostility.

Lance's jaw clenched, but before he could respond, Shay approached him, her voice low and urgent.

"That's Alex, one of the main shifters fighting for control," Shay whispered in Lance's ear, her eyes reflecting concern.

Lance nodded, his gaze flickering between Alex and the rest of the shifters. He could sense the underlying power struggle within this small portion of the group, and Alex's words confirmed it.

"Why do you say we've overstayed our welcome?" Lance asked, his tone firm but controlled. He needed to understand the situation fully before taking any decisive action.

Alex's expression twisted with anger as they glared at Lance.

"Your pride thinks they can just come in and take over. We won't stand for it," they spat, their voice laced with venom.

"Well some of us would like him to," Stated another shifter that approached the group.

"We need a strong and capable Alpha and Lance has proven it" Another added.

Alex snarled in anger, "Then Lance I challange you for your pride and mine"

Lance's gaze hardened, his determination solidifying. "Fine," he accepted the challenge without hesitation, his voice ringing clear and unwavering.

He understood the gravity of the situation and the need to prove himself not just for his own pride who already believed in him but for Shay's people as well, they needed someone they trusted and respected.

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the other shifters stepped back, creating a circle for the challenge. 

Romelle pulling Keith along with them as they moved to stand with the other members of Voltron who had joined. 

Lance squared his shoulders, his lion instincts surging to the forefront, ready to defend his pride and his position as Alpha.

Alex bared their teeth, their eyes glinting with fierce determination. The challenge was set, and the outcome would determine not just leadership but the future of both prides.

Lance and Alex circled each other, the tension between them palpable.

The shifting sands beneath their feet whispered of the impending clash, and the gathered shifters held their breath, their eyes fixed on the two alphas.

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